Chapter 26 (Jun Megumi)

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Chapter 26 (Jun Megumi)

Nathan put me into a dark red loose short sleeve knee-length dress and a pair of black high heels that were about two inches tall. Akiko pulled my hair into a pony tail and then curled it and put some makeup on my face. "Akiko, you know I hate makeup," I said.

"Too bad, it makes you look good and if I have to wear it, so do you," she replied as she finished up. "Now we have to hurry, we're going to be late."

"You were the one who insisted on putting makeup on me," I replied as I stood up. I grabbed a black purse which held my phone, my I.D., and some money. Akiko had a similar purse. I placed the hat Syo gave me on my head and we walked down the stairs.

"No. The hat does not match," Nathan stated as he reached for my hat. I assumed he was talking about the blue stripe at the base of the hat.

"The hat stays, unless you want to lose an arm?" I growled as I held onto the rim.

"The hat looks lovely with the outfit," Nathan complimented nervously and Akiko laughed.

"See you guys when we get home," she said.

"Good luck tonight!" they all shouted and then we both rushed outside, I moved as fast as I dared in heels, and we hopped into a cab. I could see the boys waiting for us at the station, neither of them saw us yet. Maybe I had time to get back in the cab and go home before they saw us.

"You're looking pale," Akiko whispered.

"You know, first date," I mumbled.

"Double date, I'll be with you the entire time," she said. I nodded and we walked over to the boys, Akiko called out to them. They turned around at the same time and both of their jaws dropped. We walked over to them.

"Jun, you look..." Syo began, but his sentence dropped off.

"Ridiculous? I know," I replied.

"No, great. You look amazing," he corrected and I could feel the raise in my cheeks, I knew I was blushing.

"Just shopping Jun?" Ittoki asked.

"Shopping? Did I say shopping? I swear I thought I said for your date with Akiko," I replied and Akiko and Syo laughed and I was able to calm down a bit, while Ittoki's face turned sheet white. "So where are we going?"

"Let's meet up in a few hours," Ittoki said and I just stared at him. "We can meet up for dinner."

"Uh sure," Syo said and then Ittoki lead Akiko away, she glanced back at me with an apologetic look. I glanced at Syo. I had never been on a date before. I was going to be fine as long as Akiko was there, but now she was leaving. "So um... what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, I've never done this before," I replied.

"You've never been on a date seriously?" he asked.

"Sorry I was a little busy with school and music and family to even think about dating, sure I got asked, but I was never interested or I really didn't have time for it," I replied.

"I see. Hmmm... what are we going to do...?" he questioned. "Oh I have an idea. Come on."

He grabbed my hand and started to pull me down the sidewalk, people looked at us as we passed by obviously mainly recognizing Syo. We stopped in front of a movie theater. "A movie?" I asked.

"No, look," he replied as he pointed to a movie poster. It was our movie. I was standing next to Syo and Hyuuga stood behind us. Sure I remember taking the pictures for the posters, but I hadn't seen them before. "Doesn't it look good?"

"Yeah it does," I replied.

"And look, your name," he pointed to the top. His name was on the left and Hyuuga's on the right, my name was in the middle with the word "Introducing" above it.

"Wow, you know people dream about this, but I never thought..." my sentence drifted off.

"Weird huh?" he replied and I nodded.

"So what now?" I asked.

"You don't seem like the girl who would want to go shopping on a date and let's not do a movie," he said in thought. There was a few seconds of silence. He was trying to think of the perfect thing to do. 

"How about the park?" I suggested.

"Huh?" he replied.

"Now it's my turn to drag you," I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the sidewalk. There was a park not to far from here. We soon got there and I pulled us onto the grass, where I took off my shoes and held them in my left hand. "Man, I do not like high heels," I said and he laughed. 

"Then why wear them?" he asked.

"Nathan made me," I replied. "He said they made me look cute."

"Well I can't really disagree, then again you always look cute," he replied and I blushed which just made him laugh again. He grabbed my free hand and we walked on the grass, he kept poking fun at me. 

"Heads up!" someone shouted and we both ducked as a ball came flying at us. A bunch of kids, no older than 12, came running up to us apologizing. There was three girls and four boys, all different ages.

"Don't worry guys, no harm done. Besides he was closer to hitting me with a ball the day we first met," I told them and they laughed.

"Hey! Wasn't my fault," he protested.

"Wait," one of the girls said she seemed to be one of the older ones in the group. "You're Syo Kurusu of STARISH."

"That's me," Syo replied. The other girls' eyes widened while the boys just rolled their eyes.

"Which means you're Jun! You're the singer of that new band!" she shouted.

"Wow, people already know my name," I commented.

"Of course, you guys were awesome and you're Syo's girlfriend. Wait what are you doing here?" the girl asked. I blushed when she so boldly stated that I was his girlfriend. "Are you guys on a date?"

"That's right," I replied. The girls turned to Syo, suddenly with sour looks on their faces.

"You're taking her to the park on a date? What kind of date is that?" the girl asked and I was trying not to laugh as Syo fumbled to respond.

"She wanted to come here," he finally argued.

"This is no kind of date," one of the younger girls reprimanded.

"Watch it Syo, these girls seem to know what they're talking about," I joked, even the boys looked amused.

"We're going to dinner later," he stated trying to make the situation better. The girls shared a look.

"That's better," the eldest stated.

"Jun, a little help?" he asked.

"Come on girls, leave him be. He's right I asked to come here, I like the park I used to play here all the time," I replied.

"Seriously? You played here?" the third girl asked.

"Yep," I replied.

"You guys! Don't run off!" a girl around my age ran over and shouted. "I'm so sorry if they bothered you."

"It's not big deal," I replied.

"I'm Hikari," she said. 

"Jun," I replied as I shook her hand.

"Syo," he said as he shook her hand. A look of recognition passed over her face.

"You're not...?" she began.

"We are," Syo replied.

"Whoa," she replied and I smiled. It was odd having people act like this because of me. "Well we uh, have to go. It was nice meeting both of you and no one will ever believe me."

"It was nice meeting you as well," I said as she walked off. "Well that was fun."

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