Chapter 15 (Akiko Rei)

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Chapter 15 (Akiko Rei)

A number of sheets lay spread out around me; some were sheet music, some were drawings, and some were notes. I let out a breath and set my last drawing down. It was the outfit designs for everyone. I scanned them with my printer and sent the images to a friend.

I reread the sheet music before me, then stood. Nanami knew STARISH better than I did, so I figured I should run the song by her. I found her with a sleeping Nori. "Where's Jun?" I asked.

"She went to the hospital and asked me to watch Nori." Nanami explained. I nodded and sat down beside her. I stroked Nori's head then turned to Nanami.

"You've probably heard but Modern Classic is set to debut. Shining wants STARISH to give a performance and he had me write the song, but you know STARISH better then I do." I handed her the sheet music after that breif explanation and she read it over.

"Not bad, but..." She gave me some advice about each person's strengths and weaknesses and I took careful note.

"Thanks Nanami." I said after she handed it back to me.

"Good luck." She replied before I ran to ym room. I went to work fixing the song when my computer dinged. I looked at it, saw it was a request to video chat, and pressed "answer".

"I can't believe you didn't consult me first! Seriously, you know that drawing is not your strong suit." I heard him saying in English before he even appeared on my screen. He looked as eccentric as he had when I last saw him: his hair was now green and blue as well as his natural blond, he had another ear piercing on his right ear (his third), he was wearing almost Gothic makeup, and his two-colored eyes shimmered.

"Hi, Nathan." I replied, also in English.

"Hi, darling." He said sweetly. "Now, what were you thinking?!" He cried.

"Sorry! I know they need improvement, that's why I sent them to you." I explained quickly. He sighed.

"At least you came to the best. Now, background." He insisted haughtily and I stiffled a laugh.

"They're for my upcoming performance. You remember my band Modern Classic? Well, Jun and I are debuting." I explained.

"Ah, I see. Congrats, darling. I'll have to do something about those wretched outfits. When do you need them?" He asked.

"Three and a half weeks is the performance. It'd be good to have them within two weeks, three tops." I replied.

"Darling, you underestimate me. I'll have them ready in a week and a half. Be expecting a package." Nathan said. Someone called his name. "Got to go now, but don't be a stranger, Aki." He smiled then the video cut off.

"Back at you." I replied as I closed the window. I sat back and grabbed my guitar.


"I'm sure you all know, but Modern Classic debuting. Shining wants you to give a special performance. This is the song you'll be singing as STARISH, then I have two duets that we'll be doing together." I explained.

"Congratulations." Ittoki said as he took his sheet music and started looking over the song. I handed out the parts to all the members of STARISH.

"So, who is doing the duets?" Syo asked.

"I was hoping you would do one with Jun. She wrote that song. And I was hoping Ittoki would do the other with me." I answered.

"Sure." Syo agreed.

"I'd be happy to." Ittoki added. I let out a breath and handed Ittoki his sheet music.

"Syo, you'll have to talk to Jun about yours. And thank you all so much for doing this. I know you are busy." I bowed to them.

"No need to bow, little bell. We are happy to help you." Ren said. I straightened as the other members of STARISH all smiled at me.

"Thank you very much." I repeated. "Oh! And if you could, make a day some time towards the end of next week that you could use to try on your outfits." I added.

"Outfits?" Cecil asked.

"Yes. I designed them, but when I sent them to a friend fashion designer in America he said they weren't very good. He's making them now and they should be here the middle of next week." I explained. I wasn't positive, but I thought I saw a flash of hurt on Ittoki's face when I mentioned my friend was a guy.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to figure out choreography for these songs." I smiled and hurried out. I was making good progress with the concert, but there was still a lot to be done. I tossed my binder onto the bed and pulled out my guitar.

I started to play; it was a song my brother taught me. I let me come over me and I even let myself sing. Once it ended I heard a whistle and my head snapped up. "Wow, I thought it was Kazuki playing in here. You sounded just like him." Ryuu said.

I sighed and set my guitar aside. "No, Kazuki was better. Can I help you, Ryuu?" I asked.

"Shining told me you agreed to let me join Modern Classic. Why the change of heart?" He asked.

"Why? Did you already make plans?" I asked.

"Not at all. It just doesn't seem like you." He answered.

"Well, don't worry about it." I grabbed my binder and pulled out the sheet music he would need for the concert. "Here, the music for the concert." I said.

He took it and looked ti over. "Not bad, for a girl who doesn't know how to play drums." He commented.

"I do know how. You taught me, remember?" I reminded without looking at him.

"Oh yeah I did, didn't I?" He said softly as he looked at the music.

"Anyway, practice it and we'll have our first rehearsal as Modern Classic tomorrow." I stood and started to push him out the door. He caught the door frame, effectively stopping me from pushing him out.

"Aki-chan, what did Jun say about me joining Modern Classic?" Ryuu questioned. I shoved him out and slammed the door.

I let out a breath then sighed. I grabbed my binder and set to work practicing the songs. I got interrupted when my computer dinged. It was an email from Nathan. 'Hey, when did you say your concert was?' He asked.

I sent him the date and added, 'Is something wrong with the costumes?'

'Not at all, darling.' He replied.

'Is it something I need to be worried about?' I asked.

'Not at all.' He sent, then he went offline. I frowned.

"What is he up to?" I wondered.

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