Chapter 18 (Jun Megumi)

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Chapter 18 (Jun Megumi)

She could have told me about the other reason for our concert earlier, it might have made a few things easier. Syo and I practiced the song whenever we were on break at the set, but it always seemed awkward for both of us and we had to keep stopping. After Akiko left I stayed in my room for a bit just trying to process everything. Not only were we going to debut, but Syo and I would become a couple. That was a little much for one night.

Out of my window I saw Syo and Ittoki playing soccer, of course they were together. After a while I watched them stop playing and both head inside. I went downstairs and saw them. "Hey guys," I said.

"Hey," they both replied.

"You ready for the performance next week?" Ittoki asked.

"Nope, but I wanted to talk to you about that," I said.

"Okay," he replied and they both just stood there.

"Uh alone please," I added. Syo took a deep breath before moving away from Ittoki. He looked a little hurt, but left anyways.

"So what's up Jun?" Ittoki asked.

"Walk with me," I said as I went for the door and he joined me, once we got outside I took a deep breath.

"Jun?" he asked.

"I need you to be honest with me," I stated and he nodded. "Okay. Do you like Akiko?" I asked quickly and he froze.

"Do... I... like her?" he asked hesitantly.

"Yes," I replied confidently.

"I don't... I... it's..." he said.

"It's rather easy when you think about it."

"Does she like me?" he asked regaining some of his usual confidence.

"You should ask her yourself if you're curious about that, but I want your answer Ittoki," I replied.

"I... yeah," he sighed. "I love Akiko."

I squeled with happiness. "Oh that makes me so happy!"

"But it doesn't matter, we can't be together, 'no love rule', remember?" he replied.

"Oh don't worry about that, I'm just happy to know you like her," I said.

"Are you planning something Jun?"

"Not much." I shurgged my shoulders.

"So since you asked me a question, let me ask one."


"How do you feel about Syo? I see you stare at him and your expression seems to change whenever he's in the room."

I took a deep breath. "I think I love him."

He pulled me into a hug and spun me around. "You two are so cute!"

"Ittoki, let me down!" I shouted and he let go of me. "Okay Ittoki, why don't you tell Akiko how you feel?"

"I don't want to pressure her and if she doesn't like me back then it'll ruin our relationship," he admitted.

"Just promise me to try okay?" I asked.

"Okay, oh I should go, see ya later," he said and then he ran off. I walked around outside for a little bit. I didn't have to worry about Nori because my mom had woken up and Nori was back with her, but my mom agreed to let her come to my perfromance next week. After walking a while I sat down on the edge of the grass by the water. Enjoying the quiet.

"Jun," someone said. I opened my eyes and turned to see Syo standing there.

"Hey Syo," I replied as I stood up.

"Who is your song about?" he asked.

"Huh?" I replied suddenly nervous.

"Your song. Who is it about?" he asked again.

"I uh told you before, it wasn't about anyone," I replied nervously.

"Jun, who is your song about? No one can write a song like that without it being about someone," he stated.

I took a deep breath. "Knowing Akiko," I said slowly while looking at the ground, "you already know who the song is about."

"So she was telling the truth, the song is about... me," he replied. I nodded without looking up.

"That day when I skipped work, the day I took my sister in, you were right, I wasn't sick. At Akiko's party I... I realized how I felt about you, but then I was reminded of the 'romance is forbidden' rule and I made myself sick. I couldn't bear to work with you, so I stayed home and I poured my feelings into some poems, three actually and our duet was the last one. They were in my personal notebook, one that no one was supposed to read and Akiko did and she wanted to have it in our perforance and then she decided it should be our duet. I didn't know what she was planning, I didn't know about the deal she made with Shinning."

"If you had would you have told me how you felt?"

"No," I replied quickly. "I... I didn't think you... liked me that way. If you don't that's okay, we can sing something else or I could do a different song with someone else."

"Jun, that song is amazing one of the best I've ever seen and why wouldn't I want to sing it with you? I wouldn't want you to sing with anyone else."


"Jun, I get upset when I see you talking with other guys, I am not going to let you sing with one of them on stage."

I laughed a little. I honestly couldn't believe we were having this conversation. It seemed unreal almost. He stepped closer to me and took my hand in his. "You really think my song is good?"

"Like I said the best."

"How do I know you're not just saying that?"

"You don't."

I laughed and he laughed with me, it was nice to go back to some level of normalcy with him although niether of us knew how to act with each other now, it was going to be better than not talking to him.

"I have to go, but I'll see you later," he said.

"Okay," I replied, he kissed my cheek before running off. I immediately blushed as he had kissed my cheek.

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