Chapter 11 (Akiko Rei)

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Chapter 11 (Akiko Rei)

Thankfully Ryuu had a full schedule so I barely had to see him. My birthday arrived with almost no warning. When I opened my eyes on that day nothing seemed any different. Mother had given me today off, but not tomorrow, so a big part of my agenda today was going to visit my brother's grave.

Someone knocked on my door before I was even out of bed. "Come in." I called as I sat up. Jun came in and smiled, holding something behind her back.

"Good morning. Happy 17th birthday, Akiko." She held out a present to me and I looked at it. I looked up at her.

"You didn't need to get me anything." I informed her.

"It's my best friend's birthday, like I'm not getting her a present." She replied as she jumped on the bed, handing it to me. "Open it." She said.

I sighed and opened it. Inside was a box and she nodded at me to open that too. I did as she requested. Inside was two books: one was a collection of some of my favorite modern songs for the flute, the other was full of blank sheet music. On the cover of the blank notebook was our band logo.

"Oh, Jun." I looked at her and gave her a hug. "Thanks." I said softly and she smiled.

"Of course." She replied. "Now, I'm guessing you want to go visit Kazuki?" She added and I nodded.

"Yes." I stood, slipping the two notebooks into my backpack. I quickly got dressed and slung it over my shoulder, all while Jun was waiting for me.

"Mind if I come with?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I'd be happy to have you along." I replied. We left without telling anyone, Jun understood that this wasn't something I wanted everyone coming along for.

It wasn't until we were nearly there that I started feeling sad. Jun took my hand and I smiled at her. We stayed like that even after getting of the train, Jun pulling me along just a little. We reached the cemetery and then she let me go. I let out a breath then wove my way through to my brother's grave.

There were a few plants crawling up the grave, but it was still clean. I knelt, pulled off the plants, and brushed his name lightly with my fingers. "Did you bring anything to clean it?" Jun asked.

I nodded and pulled the cloth from my backpack. "I've found this works best." I said. It took no time at all to have the tombstone clean and shiny.

"Wow, and no water." She said.

"Ya, Niisan would prefer it this way. Something creative." I said and she nodded.

"Sounds like him." Jun agreed. She knelt next to me and started talking softly, addressing my brother. I decided to do the same.

"Hey, niisan. Jun's come back and she wanted to see you. Oh, Ryuu's come back to, but he isn't here with us. I know I should probably get over my dislike of him, but still... Okay, now for the biggest piece of news: mother is letting me preform. It's all thanks it Ittoki Otoya, a member of STARISH. I didn't bring my guitar today, but I do have my flute. Jun gave me some sheet music for my birthday and I'd like to play it for you." I thought.

I took out my flute and that motion got Jun's attention. "Are you going to play?" She asked.

"I figured since it was for Niisan." I replied. I took out my new sheet music and started playing. Jun waited then started to sing along. I let the sensation of playing with her overwhelm me and found myself enjoying every moment. The song didn't last long and both Jun and I started laughing once it ended.

"I've missed that." Jun said and I nodded.

"Niisan, you were right. The flute... it's what you make of it." I thought, casting a glance at the tombstone. Jun glanced at her watch and yelped.

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