The bait - Wanda

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Once Stark is supplied with a new tablet, Vis has us work together to try and work out a way to get big again. I guess he's trying to keep us from arguing by giving us a common goal, but none of us can agree on something.

We know we have to reprogram the machine itself, we just don't know how to get a hold of it. Clint couldn't find it when he went into the vents, so that's a no go. Stark has no control over it, so he can't just tell it to come to us. I don't know where it is, so I can't just telekinesis it to us. And Vis won't let Nat or Loki blast the vents until it falls out.

"There's only one option left," Sam shrugs, "Bait it."

"Not an option," Cap says.

"Come on," Stark says, "Do you want to stay a baby forever?"

Cap looks hesitant. "Who could we bait it with, anyway? It doesn't affect Vis, and the rest of us are all already babies."

There's a moment of silence, then Nat says, "Nick Fury."

"No," Clint says, "Terrible idea. Really bad idea! If he ends up a baby, he will get angry! Have you ever seen Fury angry?!"

"Are you scared of him?" Nat raises her eyebrows.


"Well, I'm not, and he's our best option."

There's a moment of silence, then Stark says, "Let's do it."

Then all eyes turn to Vis, and he sighs, "Fine, whatever gets you back to normal again. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take."

So, the plan is laid. Vis calls Fury and says we need his help with something, and, half an hour later, he appears at the front door of the facility. 

Everyone is already in their positions: Me, Clint and Stark at an intersection in the vents outside the kitchen - Clint to guide the way through the maze, me to stop the machine from blasting out its gas and Stark to shut it off straight away - Pietro hiding behind the kitchen door to get Fury away ASAP if we can't stop the machine and Nat in the living room, where Pietro will be taking Fury, to calm him down. All the others are hiding in the lab. 

I hear Fury walk into the kitchen, saying, "You want me to make you lunch, is that it?" in the most sarcastic voice I have ever heard anyone use in my life.

I instantly know why Clint is terrified of him.

"Just wait there," I hear Vis say, and know he's gesturing to the chair int he corner.

I wonder if he'll sit down. Does Nick Fury take orders from a robot?

Then my thoughts are drawn away from Nick Fury by a noise down the vents. The click-clack of metal feet running down a metal vent.

"Ready?" Clint whispers in my ear, and I nod.

The machine comes hurtling around the corner, and I point my hands at it. Surrounded by a cloud of red, it slows, but it's going do fast that I can't get it to stop completely. It runs right at the opening of the vent.

Stark grabs it as it passes, probably hoping to shut it off quickly, but he just ends up getting pulled along with it. One of the steel creature's legs hooks onto my dress, and then it's dragging me along, too.

It crashes into the vent cover and bursts right out, falling onto the floor, with the two of us plummeting behind it.

Fury is, indeed, sitting on the chair. He looks deeply unimpressed as he takes in the scene. I can only imagine what he's thinking, and, looking around, I don't think I want to: Stark and I lying in a shocked mess on the floor on top of a spider-looking thing, Clint's head poking out of the vent, looking concerned, all three of us toddlers. It doesn't help when Pietro runs out to make sure I'm okay.

"I don't want to know," he says when Vis opens his mouth to explain.

Word count: 663

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