A New Arrival, part 2 - Pietro

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Fifteen exhausting hours later, Wanda, Cooper, Lila and I are all sleeping. Wanda is leaning on my right shoulder, Cooper on my left and Lila curled up on my lap. 

Straight after calling 911, Wanda contacted me in my mind. She explained what was happening, and I was back home in an instant. The ambulance arrived a few seconds after me, and the paramedic let us drive with Laura in the back. 

On the way, we called Clint, Lila and Cooper. Clint couldn't come, because he was on a mission hunting down one of the last Hydra bases, but Lila and Cooper's friend's mom drove them to the hospital. 

The four of us stayed at the hospital for the rest of the day, and all night. The nurses wanted to give us rooms to sleep in, but we wanted to stay together and close to Laura.

Shortly after we arrived, while the younger two were getting snacks, Wanda whispered to me, "I called her Mom."

She sounded embarrassed, but I was proud of her. I knew how hard she took our parents' death, even harder than me, and how hard it would be for her to replace them. This meant she was finally moving on. Good. I'd been calling the Bartons Mom and Dad for ages, when she wasn't around, of course, and it was about time she did, too.

"Good," I smiled.

We didn't speak much out loud to each other after that. We were too worried about Laura to speak. We could hear her yelling from inside the hospital room. It grated on my nerves.

Eventually, Wanda suggested we go to the lounge for a bit. It was just around the corner, so we were still close enough that we could be quickly informed of any complications or improvements, but we wouldn't be able to hear our surrogate mother's screams. 

We played with the kids for a bit, but none of our hearts were in it. Finally, we gave up and just sat in silence. That was when Lila crawled onto my lap. I got the feeling that gap was usually filled by Clint, but he still wasn't here. 

We fell asleep like that, huddled together, our arms around each other. 

When I wake up, it 's to the door opening. The lounge is deserted apart from us and the newcomer.

"Clint," I whisper.

Next to me, Wanda stirs, and her head lifts up.

"What's going on?" she asks as Clint sits down on her other side.

"She's nearly done," he replies. He looks just as tired as us. "Just a few minutes, now. She's asking for you."

This last he directs at Wanda.

"Me?" she repeats.

"Yes. She wants you to be with her when he comes."

"Go on," I encourage, and my sister nods, gets up and leaves.

Clint moves into her seat and gently takes Lila from me lap. She moans in her sleep, but doesn't wake.

"Thank you for looking after them," he smiles.

"No problem. How did the hunt go?"

"Not bad. We found the base, shut it down easily with the help of some other agents. Nat was depressed that she didn't get to shoot anything."

I laugh quietly. 

Word count: 537

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