Babysat - Wanda

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We mess around by the waterside for a while, before Nat finds us again. She looks very much done with this situation.

"That's it!" she growls, "Get back into the living room or you're both grounded for a month!"

We instantly start protesting, but she says in a voice like ice, "Now."

"Probably best to listen," I think to Pietro. He nods and we follow her back up the path to the facility.

About halfway, Pietro trips over a stone and falls. He starts crying, and I stop to try and comfort him.

I manage to get him to a sitting position, and see that his hands and scratched and his knees are torn and bleeding.

Nat sighs and picks him up, whispering to him. I'm not sure if she's comforting or threatening him, but, either way, it does the trick. He stops crying, but I can feel that his knees still hurt. 

Nat picks me up and carries the both of us back to the facility and into the living room.

The whole gang is here, and the only adults are Nat, Vis and Tony. Vis is trying desperately to keep Loki occupied so he doesn't attack everyone and Tony is working on a screen while feeding Clint a bottle of milk.

When Vis catches sight of us, he instantly leaves Loki and comes over.

"Switch," he says, taking Pietro and me from Nat.

She rolls her eyes but goes to babysit Loki.

"Don't run off," Vis orders, putting us down on the ground.

"Vissy, I'm hungry," Pietro moans, and I nod.

"Hang on, I'll get you something. Just stay there."

He goes to the other side of the room, where a baby table has been set up. He prepares two bottles of milk, then comes back and hands them to us.

We drink up, and suddenly, I'm exhausted.

"This is drugged," I manage to have time to say before I fall asleep.

When I wake up, Nat and Tony are babies too. None of the others are drugged. Apparently, they're not huge troublemakers like us.

Tony, Rhodey, Sam and Cap are running around, squealing and laughing. Nat and Loki are whispering together, probably either plotting their escape or deciding the best way to kill us all. You can never be sure with those two. Vis is bouncing Clint up and down on his knee.

I roll over on the couch to find Pietro lying right on the edge of the sofa, snoring gently. I shake him awake.

"Pietro," I hiss, "Wake up."

His eyes blink open and he rolls over - right onto the floor.

I gasp and lean over the edge to look at him.

He blinks for a second, shocked, before bursting into tears.

"Oh, for the love of everything," Vis sighs, putting Clint down and coming over, "Come here." He picks Pietro up and hugs him close. "Where does it hurt?"

Pietro lifts his left, which landed first, and I jump to my feet.

"I'll kiss it better."

I give his leg a huge smooch, and he stops crying to say, "Ewwwwww!"

He wriggles out of Vis's arms and runs at me, his leg miraculously better. I leap off the sofa and run from him. We join in the other four's running game.

Word count: 547

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