The other man - Pietro

419 15 8

"Fix us," Wanda demands, banging her fists against Nat's shoulder.

She's a very cute toddler, if a little cranky. Her cheeks are much rosier, and her arms are nothing but chub - though I'm sure she'll claim it's pudge.

"I'll begin working on it right away," Stark assures us, "I will, however, have to find the machine first. It's in the vents somewhere."

"Say no more," Clint grins, and hands me to Stark. Then he opens the vent in the roof, jumps and hoists himself in. A second later, the vent is closed and he's gone.

"What the heck?" Stark frowns at the spot where he just vanished and adjusting my position so I'm sitting on his hip.

"He does that sometimes," Nat shrugs.

I bite Stark's hand, and he drops me with a yell.


"Pietro!" Nat scolds. 

I stick my tongue out at her.

Wanda tries the same move with Nat, but she says, "Don't you even think about it."

She does it anyway. Nat doesn't even flinch. In fact, she reaches down and grabs me before I can dodge her. 

Suddenly, she's holding two toddlers, both of whom are battling desperately to get down, as toddlers do, and standing strong and tall.

"What's going on here?" Vis says, floating through the wall.

"Vis!" Wanda yells, "Save us!"

"But-" he blinks, clearly confused, "How did this happen?"

"Stark," I growl.

"Dum-E," Stark says quickly.

Understanding dawns in Vision's robot eyes. "The smoke machine."

"See! Someone understands!" Stark grins.

He shuts up quickly when Nat, Wanda and I all glare at him.

Vis walks over, takes Wanda from Nat's arms and puts her down. 

She instantly runs to Nat and starts pounding her legs, yelling, "Put Pietro down! Put Pietro down!" 

With her baby voice, it sounds more like she's saying, "Put Pitwo down! Put Pitwo down!"

Nat rolls her eyes and puts me down. I instantly grab Wanda's hand and slow time for everyone except us.

We toddle away as quickly as possible, slowing only whenever we reach a closed door, because neither of us can reach, and Wanda can't use her powers in super speed.

We end up toddling on autopilot, which takes us to the training room. Where Sam and Rhodey are already waiting.

We stop, shocked, and they descend on us, cooing and tickling us. Wanda blasts them back with a powerful burst of magic I didn't know she had in her. They end up on their backs, blinking in shock, and we're off again. 

We manage to make our way to Wanda's room. There's someone in there, as well, but not a someone I recognize. He's gazing out of the window, his back to the door, so all I can see is long, greasy hair and and black and green suit.

"About time," he says, turning around, "I've been waiting all nigh- oh. What's going on here?"

He stops when he sees us. I turn to see my sister's face. It's bright red.

She waves a hand behind her back, closing the door, then says, "I can explain."

"That's a relief," I snarl, glaring at the man.

"I have several questions," he says, "but first, who is this? I thought you liked the robot."

"First of, Vis is more than a robot," Wanda snaps, "Second, this is my brother, Pietro. Pietro, meet Loki."

"Loki?" I repeat, "From New York?"

"The one and only," he says, bowing.

Word count: 541

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