Leaving - Wanda

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I gasp, "Pietro!"

"Never threaten my sister again," he growls, and the anger in his eyes rivals that in Romanoff's, "Got it?"

But Agent Romanoff just gets up and says, "I've taken much worse than you, kid."

"You think so?"

"Pietro, stop," I say, before turning to Romanoff, "I didn't tell Banner to go anywhere. Whatever he's doing now, it's of his own accord."

"Nat, listen to me," Barton says, "This wasn't her."

"How can you be so sure?" she says, "How do I know she's not controlling you, too?"

I feel Pietro stiffen beside me and grab his arm to hold him back, "I'm not."

"We don't have to listen to this," Pietro says and scoops me up. I know he's about to run off with me and I wriggle out of his grip.

"No," I think firmly.

"Why do you care what these people think?" he replies in my mind.

"If we're going to live with Barton, we're going to be seeing a lot of them. It's going to be awkward enough already."

I turn to Romanoff, who's being held back by Barton, "I'm not controlling anyone, okay? Believe me, you'd know if I were."

"Listen to her, Nat," Barton implores.

After taking several deep breaths, Romanoff says, "Fine. You have ten seconds to get out of my sight before I change my mind."

"Good bye," Pietro says, before becoming a blue blur. I feel him scoop me up and run off. 

It's always disconcerting, speeding up so much so fast, but it's fun at the same time. The ten seconds aren't even nearly up before we reach the deck of the helicarrier.

He puts me down on the ground, saying furiously, "Next time, she won't be standing up again."

"You know I can look after myself, right? You don't have to protect me all the time."

"I'm your brother," he says, letting a small smile cross his features as he sits down next to me, "It's my job."

"You're only twelve minutes older than me," I laugh, nudging his shoulder.

I don't miss him wincing, and remember about his bullet wound, "I am so sorry!"

"It's fine," he waves me off.

"You have to get that checked out."



"Actually, you probably should."

We both stand up as Barton approaches us from the door.

"Thank you, Barton," I say, before turning to Pietro, "See, he knows what he's talking about."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," he grumbles.

Barton chuckles, "Call me Clint. And we should get going."

"But what about Fury?" I frown.

"I'd rather not let him talk to you alone. Let's go."

Word count: 405

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