A new arrangement - Pietro

552 19 9

The nights that follow are punctuated by Nate's relentless crying. Somehow, I manage to sleep through it all. 

Wanda is not so lucky. Every morning, she gets up, exhausted and barely able to stay awake. She falls behind in training, going from Nat's favourite "student" to the worst in the group. 

I'm starting to get worried about her. About two weeks after Nate joined the family, Vis approaches us during lunch break.

"Wanda," he says, "Pietro."

"Hey, Vis," Wanda smiles. 

I look closely at her. That's a real smile, the kind only I can usually pull from her. Though, recently, I've noticed Lila, Cooper and even Nate can get one, too. But Vision? Something's going on here. 

I think about all the walks Wanda's been taking lately, and how she always comes back happier than she left. I thought it was just the fresh air doing her good, but maybe it's something else. 

"We've all noticed how tired you've been lately," Vision says, "and the Captain has asked me to invite you to come stay with us at the facility."

Wanda blinks at him, then asks, "Does Stark know?"

"It is, technically, his facility," I point out, placing a protective arm over my sister's shoulders. Vis doesn't miss the gesture.

"Cap's going to tell him now," Sam says, walking up behind Vision. 

"And Pietro's welcome to stay, too," Rhodey adds, approaching on Vision's other side and nudging him, "In case that wasn't clear."

If you have never seen a robot blush, count yourself lucky. It is awkward

"I'm alright, thanks," I say, turning to Wanda, "If you want to move here, you can, but I'm staying at the farm."

Wanda looks torn, and she says, "Could we have a moment alone, please?"

The other three nod and move away, but I can very clearly see them eavesdropping.

"They're listening," I tell my twin through our telepathy link.

"Of course." She sighs as she thinks it, "What should I do?"

"Whatever you think is the right thing."

"I don't know. I want to stay with you, but I'm falling behind."

"We could have a mission any day now. You need to be ready. You should move."

"I'm not sure if I'm ready to be without you."

I put my hands on her shoulders, "Wanda Maximoff, did I, or our parents, raise you to be dependent of anything or anyone at all?"

Her eyes dropped to the ground, and I sigh.

"Listen, I've never wanted you to be alone, you know that. Everything I've done has been to look after you, to protect you. You have reminded me time and time again that you don't need it. Now you have the chance to prove it to me. And you won't be alone, will you? Vis is staying here, too. You're close to him, aren't you? I'm gonna need to have a word with him."

Her face goes bright red and her eyes launch up to mine, "You know about that?"

"Do you think I'm an idiot?"


My jaw drops and I whack her, "Rude."

"Fine, I'll move."

"You'll have your own room for a change."

She laughs and I hug her.

"Thank you," she whispers, "You won't die without me?"

I roll my eyes, "I'm twelve minutes older than you, you know. I don't need to you to look after me."

"Sure, you don't."

We break apart and the others come back.

"So?" Sam asks.

"I'll come," Wanda announces.

"Excellent," Vision smiles, and I glare at him. The smile drops away.

Word count: 559

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