The mission - Pietro

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Finally, after what seems like a lifetime's worth of waiting, but is, in reality, only a month or so after Nat's heads-up, Cap starts of our training session by announcing our first mission.

"I know you've been waiting a long time for this," he says, "You're first mission will take place in a week's time in Kansas. Just some low-level drug dealers to warm you up, get everyone properly on the same page. Today we start working on strategies."

The rest of the week, every spare second of training is spent anticipating and planning for every possible outcome. Random Avengers come to watch with great interest a couple of times. I think Stark was greatly amused by Sam accidentally dropping me from the very top of the room. Wanda only just caught me in time.

By the end of the week, though, we're ready. 

We go out in the quinjet, Vision, Sam, Rhodey, Nat, Cap, Wanda and I. Nat flies, while Cap gives a pep talk.

"This is your first mission together," he says, "It's just shutting down a simple drug deal, should be in and out. Countless lives have been ruined, and even lost, because these things couldn't be prevented. Now, we have the chance to stop that. We could prevent people losing parents, siblings, children, loved ones, friends, family. Remember, you're a team. Look out for each other. Look after yourselves. Nat and I will hang back, but we'll be on hand if the situation gets messy. Sam, Rhodey, you're in charge. Good luck."

In the silence that follows, I think to Wanda, "How long do you think he stayed up last night writing that last minute."

She only just manages to cover up her laugh with a cough.

When we land, Sam says, "Off to the yellow brick road."

We all laugh and step onto the pavement.

There are several voices coming from the warehouse, just out of earshot.

"Comms in," Rhodey whispers, and we all put the little devices in our ears. 

"You ready?" Wanda hisses in my ear.

"Of course," I murmur back.

"Speeds, scout ahead," Sam instructs, using his nickname for me.

I nod, and slow time. Moving very carefully, I squeeze through the gap where the door is slightly open. What I see send a chill running down my spine. This isn't a drug deal. It's much, much worse.

In the split second - in my time - that I spend in the warehouse, I see at least a dozen people in masks and hoods, all hovering around a large table in the middle. On the table are weapons of all sizes, colours and descriptions, from edited Chitauri staffs, to advanced Stark blasters. There are snipers in the rafters, who have already taken shots at me. I can see the bullets approaching slowly, not even a quarter of the way to me.

Time to go.

I run out of the building and back to the rest of the team. The quinjet, along with Nat and Steve, are nowhere to be seen.

"What did you see?" Vision asks.

Wanda puts a hand on my shoulder, no doubt picking up on my discomfort. "What is it?" she asks.

"Not a drug deal," I say quickly, "Weapons. They have snipers, too. They know we're here."

Lightly masked fear crosses each face.

Word count: 548

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