What now? - Wanda

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"So what now?" I ask.

I'm sitting next to Pietro, his hand in mine, still shaking slightly from almost dying. I wasn't close enough to get to a lifeboat in time. Stark's robot, the Vision, only just saved me in time. I'll never forget watching Sokovia, the country Pietro and I grew up in, the country where we lost our parents, explode into a million chunks of rock around me. Neither will I forget Vision's arms beneath me, lifting me into the air. The thought makes me blush slightly, and I let my hair fall in front of my face to hide it from my twin.

"I don't know," Pietro replies, "But that's nothing to be ashamed of."

I chuckle. It's just like him to notice my discomfort and misplace it.

"What?" he says defensively.

"Nothing," I shake my head and kiss his cheek.

"Just do me a favor and never nearly die again." The request comes through telepathically, the way we've communicated since Strucker's experiments.

"I promise."

I scoot closer to him and lay my head on his shoulder, and he puts an arm around me. 

I flick my eyes down and notice a tear in his shirt with a wound beneath it.

"What's this?" I ask right into his mind, straightening and putting a finger to the hole.

"It's nothing. Just a graze."

"Pietro, you've been shot!"


A voice breaks into our silent conversation, pulling my attention away from my brother's shoulder, "Hey."

We bother look up. It's Barton, the man with the arrows, come from the other end of the lifeboat. I remember how he helped me before, and smile, "Hey. Thank you for before."

"Before?" Pietro frowns, "What happened before?"

"You're sister was a little upset," Barton says, "I helped her."

I can feel Pietro's conflicting emotions, somewhere between grateful and hurt.

"Why didn't you come to me?"

I roll my eyes, "We were fighting murder bots. I couldn't exactly go hunt you down, could I?"

Barton is staring at us, and I realize we're not speaking out loud. Using my powers to talk has become so second nature, I hardly notice when we're doing it.

I shake my head a little to clear it and say to him, "Sorry, did you want to say something?"

"I want to offer you a home. We have some rooms spare over at the farm."

I can hardly believe my ears. It seems to good to be true.

"Are you sure?" I ask, "We'd hate to be a problem."

"Oh, it's no problem."

I can feel Pietro wavering and decide for us: "That would be amazing, thank you."

Word count: 440

Hey guys! So, this is my first published fanfic! I hope you like it! What would you like the twins to experience in their new family? Feel free to make suggestions and give me headcanons you'd like me to include. Happy reading! :)

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