Experiment gone wrong - Wanda

427 15 3

Now that's Pietro's at the facility, I'm not about to pass up the opportunity to sleep next to him. I move a mattress into his mini-hospital room and sleep in there with him. 

It does occur to me that if Loki turns up, I'll have a lot of explaining to do to Pietro. I just hope he has the good sense to stay away. 

Pietro's displeased enough about Vis and me without the added knowledge that I have another male friend - because that's all we are. He's a kind of mentor, helping me get control over my powers and find out what my limits are without pushing them too far. I'm starting to think that the stories about him in New York are exaggerated. He's not evil, or overly violent. He's just a massive drama queen, or king, or whatever.

In the morning, I can tell instantly something's wrong. Everything's too big, and there are traces of some sort of smoke or something in the room.

"Pietro," I whisper. My voice sounds weird.

I struggle to my feet and get a glimpse of my body.

"No," I whisper.

I'm pudgy. Not fat, not chubby. Pudgy. Like a toddler.

I toddle over to Pietro's bed and hoist myself up. He's small, too.

"Wake up," I say, shaking him and avoiding looking at my arms. "Wake up, brother."

The last word comes out as brudder. I don't even know why I called him that. I never call him brother.

He opens his eyes and yelps when he catches sight of me.

"Wanda! You're small!" He looks down at himself and yelps again. "And I'm small! What happened?"

"I don't know, but we have to find out."

My voice is a little toddler voice, skipping over letters and almost whining. I want to growl.

"Good morning," a cheerful voice says, and Clint walks in. He stops short when he sees us, and I can tell he's struggling not to laugh. He gives in and doubles over, roaring with laughter.

I glare at him, which just makes him laugh harder. Until I throw a pillow at him with all the force my powers can manage, because my arms have no force at all.

"What happened?" he wheezes.

"How am I supposed to know," I say, folding my arms.

"Hey, Nat!" he calls down the corridor, "Come look at this!"

"No!" Pietro yelps, and we jump off the bed and try to take cover before Nat can see us.

Too late. She appears in the doorway, and instantly swoops to pick me up, and Clint picks Pietro up.

"Put me down!" I yell, fighting her.

I realise instantly it's useless and slump in her arms.

"What happened to you?" she asks in a false baby voice.

"I hate you," I reply, in a real baby voice.

Stark runs in to see what all the commotion is about.

"Well, it could have been worse," he shrugs.

"You did this?!" Pietro yells, trying to lunge at him, but Clint holds on tight. Not even super speed can help him now.

"In my defense, it wasn't meant to escape," he says, raising his hands.

"It?" I growl.

"The smoke machine. I set it to 'child', then realized Dum-E set it up wrong."

"Why don't you just dismantle that thing?" Clint asks.

Stark replies with a gasp, and nothing more.

Word count: 531

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