Finally Free - Pietro

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We run behind Clint across the deck of the helicarrier. I keep running ahead, jogging backwards for a bit and calling encouragements then running back to next to them. He stops by a Quinjet and presses a button to open the hatch.

As we're getting in, a voice calls out, "Clint!"

It's Captain America. I remember how he was the first one to accept us and smile at him.

"Cap," Clint replies.

"Take care of them," the Captain says, "If Laura's not comfortable, I can always make room for them in my apartment."

"Thanks, but it won't be necessary. Laura'll be fine."

I glance at Wanda and notice her eyes are glowing slightly red. She's using her powers.

"Who's Laura?" I ask her telepathically.

"Wife," she thinks back, "Now shh."

She's trying to concentrate, and I let her. 

"If you see Fury," Clint says, "keep him occupied for me."

"You got it."

Captain America walks off and Clint herds us onto the Quinjet.

"How far is it?" Wanda asks, her eyes returning swiftly to normal.

"Few hours," he replies, closing the ramp, "Buckle up."

We sit down and click buckles into place over our bodies. Clint walks into the cockpit and I grab the opportunity to think to Wanda, "What did you get?"

"Two kids," she thinks back, "A boy and girl. Third on the way, another boy. He's excited to see them, but nervous of how they'll react to us."

Before she can continue, Clint reappears, bow in hand, muttering, "Damn you, Rogers."

"What is it?" I ask.

"Fury," he replies, "Hold on."

He slams the button to open the ramp as the jet starts to move and I see Director Fury pointing a gun at us.

Clint shoots an arrow, but I can see he's going to miss. The world slows as the arrow lands next to the Director just as he pulls the trigger. I release myself and launch myself at Wanda, unbuckling her and pulling her towards the back of the jet. I hear a loud, familiar bang. The bang of an explosion. Suddenly, I'm ten years old again, pulling Wanda under the bed as the second shell lands and the apartment collapses around us. I move my body between her and the sound, squeezing my eyes shut, ready for the blast to reach me.

It never comes. Wanda gently pulls herself from my grasp and wraps her arms around me comfortingly.

"We're okay," she says out loud, "We're okay. Look."

She points behind me, at the open back of the jet. I turn and see Fury lying on the ground, a black mark on the ground next to him. Clint's holding on to a handle next to the hatch and watching as the helicarrier falls away.

An empty, sunset sky replaces it.

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