Steve and Sam - Wanda

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Clint comes downstairs, his hair wet from the shower. 

"Who could that be?" he frowns, moving to the door.

He opens it to reveal... Steve Rogers. Captain America.

"Cap," Clint says, surprise evident in his tone, "What are you doing here?"

"Those two, actually," Rogers says, pointing past Clint at me and Pietro.

"Us?" my brother echoes.

"Why?" I ask.

"We need new blood. Nat and I are gonna train some new recruits. We want you."

"Romanoff," I think to Pietro, dread settling through me. He snakes a hand around my shoulders. 

"Who else?" Clint asks, not noticing our discomfort.

"Sam, Rhodey, Vision," Rogers replies.

I only recognise one of those names, and it tips my internal scales a little closer to Rogers' suggestion. 

Pietro squeezes my shoulder and thinks, "You can't honestly be thinking about this."

I hesitate, trying to find a way to convince him without mentioning the Vision. I'd never hear the end of it if he found out I liked a robot. "We could do with the extra training without Hydra's influence," I finally think, "and it wouldn't hurt to get to know the team a bit."

He sighs, "Fine."

I step forward, out of his grip. Roger's eyes lift up to mine and hold them, making me uncomfortable. I swallow and ask, "When do we start?"

As it turns out, we start quite soon. Straight away, in fact. Clint and Rogers herd us onto a Quinjet which takes off immediately. Clint stays behind.

In the back of the jet, the three of us are alone. Which either means uncomfortable silence or conversation. I don't know which sounds worse. The way Rogers stares at me...

"So how old are you?" he asks, catching me off guard.

"Eighteen," Pietro answers.

Rogers nods and, before I can stop him, my brother asks, "How old are you, Rogers?" 

I feel my face flush and I hiss, "Pietro."

"No, it's fine. I'm 97. And you can call me Steve, or Cap."

"Don't look a day over 25," Pietro says, and I kick him.

Rogers - Steve - laughs.

When we finally land, he leads us off the Quinjet. Standing by the entrance of the Avengers Facility is a strong-looking black dude.

"Sam!" Steve calls when he catches sight of him, "Glad to see you made it okay."

"Hey, man," the dude - Sam -  grins, shaking Steve's hand, "Those jets are awesome!" He catches sight of the two of us, hovering uncertainly behind Cap, "Who's this?"

"Sam," Steve says, beckoning us forward. Pietro complies in a flash of blue. "Meet Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Twins, meet Sam Wilson."

"Hi," I wave.

"What's up?" Sam nods.

"Could you take them in?" Steve asks, "I'm gonna go hunt down Nat."

"Sure. Right this way."

Word count: 434

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