My idiotic brother - Wanda

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As I'm crouching over my brother, I feel a surge of strength, and know Nat's gotten rid of the power drainer.

I set up an energy shield around Pietro. That'll have to do for now. I can't protect him and fight at the same time.

I run back into the fray, surrounded by a glow of red. I know my eyes are glowing, because the world looks redder than normal.

"That's more like it!" Nat smiles at me, "Do your thing."

"Give us a show," Sam says into the comms.

I look over my shoulder at Nat for permission. She nods, and I grin. I'll give them one heck of a show.

I lift my hands, and this time, everything happens exactly how I want it to. All the dust on the ground rises up in a red whirl. The weapons all lift into the air. The bad guys freeze, looking terrified. 

"Now that's a show!" Rhodey whoops.

"Surrender, and I'll call her off," Cap says, "You shot her brother, so I recommend you take the chance."

The guys all fall to their knees and put their hands behind their heads. Cap nods at me and I lower my arms. The dust and assorted weapons fall to the ground. The world goes back to normal.

As the others set about cuffing the bad guys, I run to Pietro's side.

"It's gonna be okay," I whisper, grabbing his wrist to search for a pulse, "You're going to be fine, I promise."

I feel a tiny beating under my fingers and nearly sob with relief.

Vis comes over behind me.

"You need to stop the bleeding," he says gently, pointing at the bullet wounds in his arm.

I've been avoiding looking at them. The blood pooling on the floor around them breaks my heart enough as it is. 

With shaking hands, I tear of a bit of my sleeve and wrap it around his arm. They're blood stained in seconds.

"We need to get him to base," I say, getting to my feet and waving my hands at Pietro. He floats of the ground and I get him to the quinjet behind the warehouse.

"You're going to get through this," I tell his unconscious body, "I promise."

When we get back to the base, I hurry Pietro to the on-site hospital, where Dr Cho already has a bed and equipment set up. She starts working on him right away.

A couple of nurses usher me out of the room, so I stand at the window, keeping an eye over my brother, who can't go a day without getting himself hurt in some way. 

After about an hour, they let me back in, and I almost trip over myself in my haste.

Pietro's awake now, and clearly on a lot of pain meds.

"Ah," he grins when he sees me, "Sister."

"You're awake," I sigh, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Am I?" he frowns, raising a hand and looking at it, "Are you sure?"


"Why are you glowing, then?"

I look around. The light coming from the hall is brighter than the light in here, so it would look like I'm glowing.

Before I get the chance to answer, he says, "You're like an angel."

I laugh, "More like a witch."

"No," he shakes his head, then his attention gets pulled away, "Oh, the world's shaking!"

"We're gonna put him to sleep so he can heal properly," Cho says behind me, and I nod, not taking my eyes off of my brother's dumb face.

"Oh! Now it's falli-"

Then he's out for the count, leaving me shaking my head and chuckling.

I love that idiot.

Word count: 583

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