Chapter 2

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We all pile into the van, Chan is driving, I'm in the passenger, and Seungmin and Jeongin are in the back.

After about a minute or two of driving, I hear weird cracking noises from the back.

Thinking that it's Jeongin being sad about the failed run, I turn to see Seungmin and Jeongin laughing while looking at their phones intensely.

"I- what are you guys doing?"

Seungmin smirks. "Shhh, we're playing a game, and I'm gonna win."

"You wish." Jeongin says confidently.

"Wanna bet?" Seungmin says louder.

I turn back to face the front as they keep bickering behind me.

Kids these days.


Once we arrive at the abandoned railroad, we all pile out of the van with the bags on our shoulders.

As I jump from the van, Jeongin hops off also while shouting at Seungmin.

"What do you mean!? You lied to me to my face!"

"Yeah well, you should work on trying to read people better if you want to win next time." Seungmin said camly.

"YO- I-"

"Ok, why are you yelling?" Chan cut in before Jeongin could murder Seungmin.

"Seungmin told me he was a civilian and not the murderer, then went and killed me when I was in the middle of my tasks!" Jeongin shouted.

Chan face palmed and I tried to stifle a laugh at the maknae's reason for yelling.

"Ok, can we just- I- Let's just put this off for later." Chan said, being completely done with their fighting.

I walked up to Seungmin's side and started laughing with him. This wasn't the first time they've argued about this game before, and it wouldn't be the last time either.

One time they tried to teach me how to play, but I ended up getting killed after walking into the first room I needed to go to. It wasn't fun.

As we walked next to the train tracks that hadn't been used for years, we came up to an old shed on the side.

The shed used to be a ticket booth or something, but obviously hadn't been used for a couple of decades. Now the only action it sees is when we exchange our steals for money with the group GOT7.

Once we get about 6 feet away from the shed, the group's leader, JB, comes out with the other members following.

Chan stands in front while me and Seungmin stand side-by-side behind him, and Jeongin stands safely in the back.

"Nice to see you again Bang, it's been a while since our last meeting, right?" JB said.

Chan rolled his eyes. "It's only been 3 weeks, JB."

"Well, we've been running low on things in the shop since the last time we exchanged. Do you have the amount I asked for?"

Chan took the bag off his shoulder and threw it right at JB's feet. The rest of the GOT7 members didn't look impressed, and JB looked but up with an expectant face on.

In response, Chan collected our bags and threw them in the pile at the group's feet also.

GOT7 all smiled at the large amount of goods we had for them. JB gave a look to the rest of his members and 3 bags were thrown to Chan.

One of the bags wasn't zipped all the way, so the stacks and stacks of money were out for the world to see.

Chan picked up the bags and handed them to us to hold.

After we had exchanged the jewelry and money, the two leaders shook hands and we all parted ways.

As we were leaving, I turned to see Jeongin smiling and waving at Yugyeom.

I wait for Jeongin to catch up to me a little, and we all head back to the van.


Second chapter done. I don't know why, but I wanted to post another chapter today. So here you go.

The little part with Jeongin and Yugyeom was purely because I wanted some kind of interaction between the two maknaes uwu.

Again, this chapter wasn't as exciting as I would have liked. But the next chapter will have more action, especially towards the end, I promise.

Anyway, today I present thee with a meme from the aussie boys.

Anyway, today I present thee with a meme from the aussie boys

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Luv you guys!❤🧡❤🧡❤

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