Chapter 23

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It's been a few weeks since me and Lee Know decided to start this new 'friendship', if that's what you would call it.

Since I've never really talked to anyone new in a long time, I didn't know how to talk to Lee Know at first. Aside from people at stores, because yes we do still buy somethings, I don't really talk to anyone other than the team.

Lee Know actually understood this though. He has kind of been through the same thing, but he was willing to hold the conversation more than I could. This made things easier for me, and I was able to be more comfortable around him.

Meeting up was a problem though. Throughout this time of being 'friends', Lee Know always texted me first so we could meet up. I kind of have a hard time saying 'no' so I agreed most of the time.

I was trying to regulate when I went out so I wouldn't cause suspicion. Chan never said anything about me going out so much, the last time he did was when he heard the garage door that night.

In the team, I'm the one who normally goes out to buy things from the store, because I naturally keep a low profile when I'm out. This worked in my favor though, now I was able to cover up the meetings with going to the store.

Lee Know never showed any struggle in meeting me though. He seems to want to meet everyday or at anytime he possibly can. That has made me wonder, what is his position in his team?

I don't want to ask him though. The whole purpose of this friendship was to talk to each other like normal people, and we haven't really talked about criminal activities at all this whole time.

Besides my slight curiosity, overall this whole thing has been really nice. For once, I don't feel like a bad person, I feel normal.

Another thing that has started to cross my mind is Lee Know as a person. The whole time we've been talking, he's been gentle with me. Yes, he can be a little forward and bold in his actions and speech, but when I'm visibly uncomfortable he steps back.

I think from the start he's seen how I was scared and nervous about this whole thing. I'm more comfortable now, with the 'friendship' and him.

While talking, I've also started to notice some new things about Lee Know. Before, I was always too nervous to look at him, but now I noticed how nice his smile can be. When we joke around, his laugh is kind of pleasant to hear. And I'd have to be blind to not see that he is at least a little attractive.

Maybe I'm just comfortable now and can easily notice these things. Every time we say 'goodbye' to each other, I find myself waiting for a text or our next meeting. Is this all because we're friends?

Today we're supposed to meet again at the park. We always meet at the park because it's easy and other people don't really pay us too much mind. A few times though, we have gone to a small shop and got a snack or two. We were still really careful though! We are still criminals at the end of the day.

As always, I parked my car on the side of the road next to the park entrance and walk to the big oak tree. And as always, Lee Know is there waiting for me already.

As I walk closer, he hears my steps and scoots over to give me a spot to sit on the grass.

"I thought you would take longer to get here." He says while handing me a bag of chips.

"No, I'm supposed to be 'shopping for myself' right now. I've been wanting somethings for my room and told my team I'd be out for a bit longer than normal." I say, adding air quotes with my hands. "I'll have to go see GOT7 after this." I say quieter as a note to myself.

Lee Know nods along before popping back up in realization.



"You guys work with GOT7 too?"

"Well, yeah. Who doesn't?"

He eats another chip while he thinks. Then he pops up again with another idea.

"If you know GOT7, then are you going to their get together or whatever it's called?"

"You guys were invited too?"

He smirks and huffs.

"Were we invited? Of course we were invited! Me and my team are one of the best at our craft. Can you guys say the same?" He asks while raising his voice a bit.

"What do you mean, we were invited too!"

"How can you work with GOT7 when you supposedly give away the things you steal?"

"We need money too. And sometimes we take things that we can't give to the people." I say quieter.

He calms down a bit after our small outburst. For a moment, we eat our chips quietly while staring out to the river in front of us.

After he finishes his bag, he crumbles it up and moves to sit in front of me. Out of surprise I pull my legs to my chest while he sits with his legs crossed.

He looks up to me with an unreadable but stern expression.

"I want to see you working in that warehouse."


"After all these days of talking like 'normal people', today was the first time we really talked about what we do. I've held back from asking this whole time, but I want to know now."

I can't show him, it would be too dangerous. But he already knows where the warehouse is. How would he see? I can't hide him. Well- No, no, I can't hide him.

He waves his hand in my face to get my attention.

"Hello? Are you gonna tell me when you're going to be there again?"

"Sorry. N-no, I can't. It's too much of a risk for me."

He sighs and looks away from me.

"I'm not asking."

"And I'm not telling you."

He looks back with a blank expression. After hanging out with him for a few weeks, I've learned that his frustrated face and passive face are identical. Right now, I'm guessing this is the frustrated face.

He stands up in front of me.

"Then I'll just have to take a peek into the warehouse over the next few weeks. I have to go now, Peter. I'll see you around." He says then walks away.

I stand and consider following him, but decide against it.

This was the first time we really argued over these weeks. And it's as unpleasant as I thought it might be.

I think I made the right decision? Even if I told him when we would be there, he knows the location already.

I just hope this whole 'friendship' won't back fire on me.

This is the start of my favorite part of the story. I don't want to spoil too much, but after the next chapter, the gay has arrived.

I'll be posting the next chapter in a little bit, so expect for that to come out in an hour or so.

Here's the meme for today:

Love you guys!❤🖤❤🖤❤

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