Chapter 10

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(Possible trigger warning ahead in the chapter. I will let you know when it is in case you wish to skip that part)

We pull up to the toy store, which had all of its lights off already.

Quietly, we hop out of the van to get our bags and gear on. While we prepare, Chan tells us what we need to take this time around.

"We should go for the more expensive things for JB, then some smaller things for the people and kids. Make sure to take very careful movements and to not push any buttons on anything." He reminds us.

Me and Seungmin nod as we start stuffing towards the back door.

We go through the storage room into the sides of the store. Chan motions us to head in our different directions.

Seungmin goes to the store front, Chan stays towards the back, and I head to the second floor.

On the way up, I see an overview of all the shelves on the lower floor. There are a lot of blinking lights on the new toys, along with some ocean lit bubble tanks on the top of the shelves.

On the second floor, there are more soft toys. In the far corner, a giant shelf as tall as the ceiling stands full of stuffed animals of all species. The center of the floor was lined with more shelves with toys for younger kids and infants.

I know from experience: one wrong move in that aisle, and we are caught right then and there. Why do baby toys have so many buttons anyway?

Close calls aside, I stagger closer to the plushie shelf. There is seriously every kind of animal here, so I start grabbing different ones at random.

I'm almost done filling out my first bag when I come across one that looks familiar.

I stop and reach out for the light brown squirrel plushie sitting in the middle of the shelf.

(Possible trigger warning. Scroll for the bolded letters for the all clear sign)

As I look down at the small squirrel, I'm reminded of the past.

"Dr. Lee, report to room 324 immediately."

No, not right now.

"Honey! Someone help!"

I can't let it-

"Mrs. Han, please stand up!"


Fluorescent hospital lights, white walls, white tiled floors. Doctors and nurses rushing past my small form into my father's room. A taller nurse trying to communicate with my mother.

I stand there unsure about what's going on. Everything was calm, then a loud beeping sound comes from one of the tall computer things attached to my father's bed.

I can still hear the ringing in my ears. I cover Peter's little ears in case he can hear it too.

While I was focusing on my plushie, my mother stood up and grabbed my arm to drag me away from the room.

Wait, dad's still in there! The doctors and nurses looked worried, is he in danger?!

I pull from my mom's grip but she's too far into her emotional state to hear and feel me crying and pulling for us to go back.

We walk down to the front lobby of the hospital like that. I didn't stop protesting until the bitter cold air from the winter months hit me.

As I'm strapped to my car seat, I still try to push away and run inside, but fall asleep from the emotional stress before I can step foot out of the car.

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