Chapter 50

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Too soon the lunch and break period was over and my cellmates came back to our cell.

Upon entry, Changwoo looked directly at me and sent a crooked smile towards my direction.

I don't know what he was trying to achieve with that 'smile', but it wasn't comforting at all.

I slightly moved back against the wall, in the hopes that the height from me being on the top bunk bed and extra space would be enough to keep him away.

He came up to the side of the bed and leaned against it to face me.

"Hey, Tiny. I'm back."

I didn't reply, I just stared into my lap.

He smirked and tilted his head to the side a bit.

"Why don't you come down here, we can talk a bit like normal people."

That hit too close to home.

He started reaching up to touch my knee again when footsteps sounded off from around the corner.

He glanced in their direction while I released a breath of relief.

The same officer from earlier came to our cell and unlocked the gate, stepping into the open space to block the exit still.

"Peter Lee, we need you now."

I nodded and climbed down the other side of my bunk, away from Changwoo. As I walked towards the officer I felt his stare on my back, I hate that feeling.

I reached the officer, catching a glimpse of his name plate. Officer Jeon.

I slightly held out my wrists, expecting him to take them. Instead he shook his head and pushed them back towards me.

"That won't be necessary, Mr. Lee. Just stay ahead of me while I direct you to the right room." He said with a stern expression.

I slightly nodded and walked in the direction he gestured to.

This is odd. Normally the officers have the prisoners bound when they are taken somewhere. And the officers who tend to my cell might know that I'm not aggressive or dangerous, but I still expected to be treated the same way.

Eventually, we ended up at a door which led into a room with a single metal table and two chairs. There was a mirror on one side of the walls, but that was obviously a one-way mirror so the people observing the room wouldn't be seen.

Officer Jeon led me to one of the chairs while he sat on the other.

He looked in the mirror and nodded. Shortly after another officer came out with a file in hand. I looked up to see his face and read his name plate. Officer Kim.

"So, Peter Lee. That doesn't sound like a normal name for someone born here."

"I don't have an explanation for it, sir. It's just what my parents named me." No they didn't.

"Let's see. You're being charged for breaking and entering, theft, and vandalism of a public place. Do you deny these charges?"

"No, sir." I say quietly, looking down to the leg of the table.

"Very well. If you don't deny these charges then it shall be sent to court, but the outcome is still up in the air. Even though things look bad, you never know what the final verdict will be."

Officer Jeon said that very casually, as if it wasn't a big deal that I might be sentenced here for life, or even worse.

"Now, we still have some things to go over. I hope you don't mind answering some questions."

"No, sir. I'll answer your questions."

And that's what we did..

For several hours.

The questions were what I was expecting, questions about my crimes and other people who might have helped me.

Of course I didn't give them the right answers, even if I was going to stay here for a while I wasn't going to stop trying to protect my family.

The odd thing about the questions was that they were all basically the same thing, just in different forms.

Officer Jeon asked if I worked with anyone. Then 10 minutes later he asked if I had an accomplice. It's the same question.

He did the same thing with a set of about 10-15 questions.

I don't know what the point of this all is supposed to be. After the first set of questions he kept getting the same answers from me. At one point he excused himself and left me sitting in the room for what felt like an hour.

When he came back he simply apologized for taking so long and continued with the questions.

For the sake of being respectful, it took all of my patience to not question what he was doing. If I really was going to end up staying here, I need to be on good terms with the people running this place.

Eventually he finished and we stood to go back to my cell.

As we were walking back, I glanced to the outside world.

It's night time. It was the just after morning when he took me.

When I got back to my cell the guys were asleep, and I actually couldn't wait to go to sleep also. After answering pointless questions for so long and trying to keep myself from saying anything that would get me in trouble, I was basically dead tired.

Oooo what's going on?

I mean I already know, but it's still exciting anyways.

Here is your meme:

This one isnt even funny but I still busted a lung when I saw it.

Love you guys!❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤

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