Chapter 48

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Jisung's POV
I'm at my wit's end.

At the store right before the police came in, I was trying to decide which side to run to. At the time, it felt like I was choosing between romance and my family. Now, I'm looking back to that moment in time, thinking I should have ran either way.

In the end it didn't matter, as long as I made it to one side where it was safe.

If I did that, I wouldn't be here right now.

Being a criminal, I've imagined how it would be like to get arrested and go to jail. It isn't how I thought it would be.

I always pictured myself fighting to get away, not wanting to enter any buildings or cars. The police station and jail seemed like it would be so cold and cramped.

But it wasn't like that.

Instead I was kind of frozen, not able to move. When they were putting the handcuffs on me, I didn't flinch or try to move away. When I was in the police car, I just stared out the window, not saying anything.

The police station was cold when I first got inside, but a few minutes of adjusting made it seem normal. As they got my information, I tried so hard to keep my mind on the right track to do what I was supposed to.

We'd practiced over and over again what we would say if we ever got into this situation. What name to give them, what dates and numbers we identified with. I was able to follow through with that set plan, but just barely.

After everything was recorded and official, they told me the details about a court trial (that I didn't really understand) and shoved me into a cell to stay.

The first day I was here was terrifying.

I was alone in the cell, then two guys, much bigger than me, came inside. Turns out they're my cellmates.

I tried not to talk to them, keeping my distance both verbally and physically. But they still made comments in my direction, some which made me uncomfortable and more scared to stay here with them alone.

Now it's night time and time for us to be asleep.

Those guys are already snoring loudly on the bottom bunks of the beds. I was put on the top by default from being the smallest and the last person to arrive.

Right now if I was at home I'd probably be sitting with my team, going over what we got and watching TV like a family. Or I might even be at the park, under the big oak tree with Minho, wrapped in his arms and not feeling scared or worried at all.

Oh god, I miss Minho.

I sniffed a couple of times and exhaled more loudly than I wanted.

The bunk bed shifts and I hear blankets moving under me. Oh no. Changwoo's awake.

He grunts once.

"Tiny, are you crying? Do you need me to come up there?"

"N-no. I'm fine." I say quietly.

He chuckles a bit and I think I hear him mutter 'cute' before I hear his snores continue.

I hate it here. I need to get out.

But I'm not good enough to escape on my own, I need someone's help.

I need to leave so I can see Chan again. I never really thanked him for everything he's done for me.

I need to see Seungmin and Jeongin again. They've been the little brothers I've never had.

I need to see Minho again. I never even got to answer his question before everything happened.

At this point, tears were free falling down the sides of my face.

The weight of everything finally came crashing down onto me after it was pushed off for a bit.

For a while, I just layed in bed letting my feelings out. Soon enough I tired myself out and fell asleep. 

I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry, and stay tuned for next week.

I'll just show my self out.

Love you guys!🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤

All In ~Minsung FF~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora