Chapter 5

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When we arrive back at the house, we all made a bee-line for the storage room. On the way there, Chan turned to us.

"Great job, guys! I think this was a really good run, especially for Jeongin. How was your first run, Inie?" He asked enthusiastically.

We all turn to Jeongin for his answer, but instead of a happy, playful smile we were met with a small pout and his arms crossed.

"What's wrong, Inie? Did something happen?" Seungmin asks, taken aback from Jeongin's upset stance.

"Nothing is wrong. It's just that my first time wasn't what I expected it to be like." He said in pout.

I was surprised by this, we had gotten quite a bit of stuff from this one place this time around. I even made sure to not take too much so Jeongin could collect more for his first time.

"How was it not what you wanted? I thought everything was fine." I said.

"Well everything was fine, until the end when you started arguing with that guy that came in."

At this, Chan and Seungmin looked at me in surprise.

"You were arguing with a guy at the shop?" Chan asked.

"Well, yeah. He came in and started to get in our way. I was just trying to tell him to go away so Jeongin could have a good first run." I explain.

"I knew that another group came in before we left, but I didn't think they would interact with any of us. He didn't see your face or anything right? We don't know if they're from a bad group anything like that." Chan asks.

I lie and tell him he didn't see my face. Jeongin couldn't say otherwise because he was watching the police lights when I was arguing with that guy.

Once our steals were put in their right spots in the storage room, Chan told Seungmin to see if he could find anything on that other group that was at the shop. While Seungmin and Chan go off to do their own things, I walk into the living room to see Jeongin on his computer.

I sit next to him and see he's working on the article about tonight's heist.

"Make sure you include the details about more people showing up after a while, Innie." I remind him. The article he's writing is for our small website and newsletter that gives the public small details and information on the heists we do.

We write these articles so we have a cover up in case a computer or phone gets lost and we get questioned for it. This way we also don't get suspected for the crime, and we get to see the public's views on our steals. It's also nice to be in the loop to see the news talking about the small decrease in homeless people in the area.

Jeongin nods at my reminder but doesn't look up or acknowledge me anymore than that.

I search his face for something to show that he's not too angry, but just find a blank stare at his screen.

I read the room and get up to head to bed. Before I cross the threshold of the room, I turn back to Jeongin.

"Also, I'm sorry I ruined your first run. I was just trying to help you have an easier time, but I did the opposite instead." I say and walk away.

As I walk up the stairs to my room pass Seungmin who was in the middle of a yawn.

"Hey, Seungmin, did you find anything on that other group?" I ask.

"No, they didn't leave anything at the place so there was nothing to go off of." He answers while rubbing his eyes.

I nod and continue to walk when Seungmin grabs my wrist.

"Hey, is Jeongin really upset about this? He looked to be earlier but I don't want to force him to talk about it if he doesn't want to."

I turn to see Seungmin with a slightly worried expression. I shake my head. "No, he's probably just mad at me for reacting the way I did. He wouldn't look or talk to me when I sat with him for a second in the living room. If anything I think he can use you to talk about the whole thing." I say.

Seungmin nods and heads towards the living room, and I go to my room to shower and lay down.

Once in bed, I stare at the ceiling and think about that guy from the shop. I still don't understand why he was so rude to me. It's hard to believe that he was part of the "big leagues" when their team went through the roof and vents to get to the shop's center, everyone who has ever taken that shop knows the back door is almost never locked.

Whatever, their team probably is one of those wanna be small candy store thieves. At least our group helps people with our stealing. That will be proven tomorrow.


The whole thing with Jeongin being angry will be gone by the next chapter don't worry.

Second, I don't know if anyone realized but the whole part about them writing their own articles is from the 'All In' MV. It was inspired by the scene when they were on a podium showing wanted signs of themselves in front of the press.

The other thing I want to discuss is the fact that Jisung is still very angry at Minho. This will obviously change later.

Anyway, this week I present ya'll with a meme from the amazing performers that is ONEUS (kind of):

Anyway, this week I present ya'll with a meme from the amazing performers that is ONEUS (kind of):

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Luv you guys! ❤🖤❤🖤❤

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