Chapter 25

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Just like every morning before we go to the warehouse, we all got ready and ate breakfast before gathering the containers of items to load into the van.

Once we get there, me and Seungmin get our flags and set out to start placing them here and there. This part of the day always takes the longest because most of the time, people try to stay away from us.

Walking down the alleys in new, clean clothes with a few gadgets in our pockets might be a little intimidating to some people. I understand though, I was in their shoes at one point too.

When I walk down to the end of the first alley, I see a familiar tent. With the paused sound of my footsteps, someone comes closer to the opening and peeks their head out a little.

It's the same woman I helped those few weeks ago. After the first time she came to the warehouse, I've made sure to place flags closer to her for her to find every time.

Once I place a flag down next to her tent, she smiles and a small set of laughter comes from the inside of the tent.

She quietly thanks me, collects her flag, and goes back into her tent to her kids. I think she waits for when I'm at the warehouse to go there, probably because I'm the one who helps her every time.


After placing the rest of my flags, I head back to the warehouse to help with everyone who stops by today.

From the looks of it, more people have shown up today. Normally, there are about 20 to 30 people in the warehouse at one time. But today, there are a lot more people. Maybe because winter is coming soon.

After helping people for a while, the post with clothes was starting to run low.

"Ji, can you go to the back and get the container of clothes?"

"Sure, hyung."

I go to the back storage space where we put all the extra boxes and containers. The warehouse used to be a hall that people could rent out for parties and things. Because of that the back used to be a kitchen or something, but now we repurposed it.

When I turn the corner and find the container I need, someone jumps forward and yells.



I yelled and fell back at the person's feet. From above me, I hear the laugh that I find so pleasing to hear and realize who it is.

"L-Lee Know?"

"Hey, babe. Missed me?"

"N-no!" Maybe a little. "What are you doing here?"

He laughs a little and brings out a hand to help me up.

"I told you I would stop by here to see whatever you guys do. You could have just told me it was happening today instead of arguing with me yesterday." He says while pulling me up from the ground.

I quickly look over to the main hall with worry all over my face. In doing so, Lee Know noticed and walked closer to the door to look over the hall too.

"I knew you helped people in need, but I didn't really expect you to provide all this for them."

He walked back towards me with the same smirk he has when he's teasing me. I can't tell if I hate it or not.

He can't be here. I need to get rid of him.

"Ok, well you saw everything, now you have to go." I say while going behind him to push him towards the back door. Either he's really, really heavy or I'm not strong enough, but he's not moving an inch.

"What if I don't want to go?"

"You need to, Lee Know."

He lets out a small laugh before quickly turning to face me. I don't have any time to react as he grabs both my wrists and pushes me against the wall behind us.

He holds my wrists next to either side of my head while he leans closer to me.

"Aww, you're shaking, kitten. Are you cold?"

Too close. Too close. This isn't ok. I try to move my wrists to no avail. Why is he so strong?

"Let me go, Lee Know. You need to go."

"I'll leave when I want to."


We both look over to the door to see Jeongin standing and staring in shock.


Happy Thanksgiving!🦃🦃

Here's this chapter early for the holiday, I'll post the next one on sunday as usual.

I hope everyone has a great day with food and family.

Here is today's meme:

Love you guys!❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤

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