Bonus - Christmas Special🎄

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Happy Holidays everyone!
Here is a Christmas special, I some how wasn't lazy and wrote it for y'all.

This takes place before the party, so Jisung still knows Minho as 'Lee Know' and they're still trying to hide each other from their groups.

Jisung's POV:

Lee Know


Omg what

I guess you like the nickname
Meet me at the park

But it's Christmas


I'm with my team
Shouldn't you be also?

We already celebrated and gave gifts
I want to see you



I'll see you in 10

10 minutes is too soon! How am I supposed to sneak out in such short notice?

Let's see, I think Seungmin and Jeongin were watching movies in the living room. And Chan was cleaning up the kitchen from dinner.

If everyone is still in those same spots, I should be able to slip through the front door and be gone for a good hour or two.


I thought it would take longer for me to sneak out, but surprisingly, no one payed me any attention.

I know I'm the smallest out of my team, but how could they not pay attention to me?

Whatever, I'm going to the park to someone who will give me lots of attention.

Did I just think that in my own head? Omg what is happening to me.


Coming up to the park, I leave my car and make my way to the biggest tree like I always do.

I don't have to do any searching as Lee Know steps forward as soon as he sees me.

As I motion to wave 'hi', he rushes forward and wraps me in a warm hug.

"Merry Christmas, kitten."

"Merry Christmas, L-Lee Know."

He steps back and gets to see the surprise all over my face from his sudden contact. I wasnt ready or expecting him to do that.

"So, what's-"

"Wait, before you say anything, here."

Something fuzzy and soft is shoved into my hands. When I look at it, I realize the almost cruel joke he pulled.

"Lee Know, why did you give me a squirrel plushie?"

"What? It's cute, and a memory from the first time we actually talked."

"You dragged me to the roof of the toy store."

"But we had a actual conversation."

I shake my head and study the plushie some more to avoid his eyes.

"But I didn't get you anything."

"That's ok, you being here with me is enough of a present." He says quieter while reaching up to hold the side of my face.

Out of panic I step back and he laughs at my struggle.

"Anyway, we should go walk around, we only really ever stay at this tree when we get together." He says looking bored already.

I agree and we start towards the closest sidewalk.

As we walk down, I push around the fur of the plushie with my thumbs, not really focusing on anything in particular.

Even though this gift is kind of a 'joke', it still means a lot that Lee Know got me something. And now I feel terrible that I didn't get him anything.

"Oo, look."

Lee Know puts an arm out in front of me to stop me from going forward. When I turn to see what he's looking at, he's looking into a dark alley way.

This is it, this is how I die. I knew he was trying to kill me some how.

From the alley, a bag russles and a small figure jumps out. Only then, I realize Lee Know was pointing to an alley cat he spotted.

The orange cat sat in the middle of the alley, starring at us lazily. From the sides two more cats jump out and strut around the alley.

Lee Know crouches down to their level, holding out his hand to let them sniff it.

"They're so cute, I've always wanted my own cats. I already picked names and everything."

"What would they be?"

He looks from me to the alley cats, pointing at one.

"One is Soongi, Doongi, and Dori." He points, assigning the names to the cats.

One comes up and pushes its little face into Lee Know's hand, enjoying the affection that is hard to come by.

"You'll get your cats, Lee Know."

"Why do you say that?" He breathes out, not looking up at me.

"I don't know. I just have a feeling like you will in the future."

He stopped petting the cat and looked up to me, standing straight and looking directly at my eyes.

He hums and smiles after a second.

"Hmm. Well, I hope you're there when it happens. I'd love to raise three cats with you."

Happy holidays!!

I hope this was good enough, I'd never written a special like this for a story before and didn't really know what to do for it.

And I'm now realizing how short it is compared to what i thought it would be. But I'm too lazy to change it now soooo....

I hope you all have a great day or break or holiday or party or celebration or whatever you're doing for the season!

I hope you all have a great day or break or holiday or party or celebration or whatever you're doing for the season!

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Love you guys!❤🖤🎄❤🖤🎄❤🖤🎄

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