Chapter 47

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"Now, why were you at that store with Jisung? What do you want?" Chan asked, still slightly broken in his voice.

Minho stepped out from behind Hyunjin.

"I promise you with all I have, I never meant for anything like this to happen. The last thing I would ever want is for Jisung to get hurt o-or taken or-"

"That doesn't answer my question! Why were you there!?"

Everyone flinched a little from Chan's yelling. He sounded broken, like he could literally fall part right where he stands.

Minho closed his eyes to keep calm and even his breathing.

"I was there to see Jisung. We've been meeting in secret for months now, for the sake of not getting torn apart like you tried to do at the party."

That was him? He took Jisung at the party?

Chan stopped moving and set an emotionless face on display. Just as he started to step forward, a car door slammed shut and Jeongin ran in front of Chan.

"Hyung, no! Don't hurt him!"

That's a weird twist.


"Hyung, please. You don't understand. Jisung trusted Minho like he would trust us, his team. If you hurt him in any way, he'd never forgive you." Jeongin pleaded while holding Chan's arm.

Chan didn't change his expression.

"How do you know this, Jeongin?"

"I saw them together. I've known about this since before the party. I was going to tell you, trust me. But Jisung hyung told me he trusted Minho, that Minho would never hurt him. I didn't want Jisung to get in trouble with you, so I kept his secret. You can't hurt Minho, hyung. If Jisung trusted him, so do I." He said while backing up to stand closer to Minho.

All this time, he knew about this?

I didn't know all of this. How could he keep this big of a secret, even from me? "Innie."

"I'm sorry, hyung. I made a promise not to say anything unless I absolutely needed to. And right now, I need to for Jisung's sake."

After Jeongin's small speech, there was silence. Only the sound of a few crickets or frogs filled the space since we were still standing outside the house.

Chan stared at the ground in thought, and Minho just closed his eyes to take in everything that happened in the last few hours.

After about 5 minutes of silence, Chan looked up again with a new fire burning in his eyes.

"Everything in me is telling me to kill you where you stand. As a leader too you should understand how I'm feeling right now." He paused to let that sink in.

"But... If Jisung really did trust you, and Jeongin is so sure of you, I'll give you one chance."

Minho and Jeongin looked up in surprise. Hyunjin stood behind, looking wary of the whole situation still.

"If you really are a good group and you care about Jisung as much as you say, you'll try to save him. If you fail, the next time I see you, don't expect to make it home in one piece." Chan said coldly.

Minho stepped forward, slowly sinking to land on his knees and letting his hands slide forward in front of him .

Hyunjin softly gasped, I also took in a breath from his gesture.

Minho looked up, holding his hands in his lap.

"I promise, I will get him back home safely. Keep an eye on the news, there will be a jailbreak soon."

Oop that's it for today.

Get ready for the next chapters because 😳 sh*t happens.

I hope you guys have a great day. Idk about you, but I have to deal with my family yelling abt the super bowl later 😅

Here's you meme:

Love you guys!🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤

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