Chapter 6

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Turning to look behind me, I see a big orange and white cat following close behind me. I let out a squeak and run faster through the tree branches.

I was just trying to collect some nuts for the season, why does this big furry monster have to bother me?!

Jumping between trees, I climb higher and higher so I'm basically on the tallest point of the trees. To my horror, the cat is just a few branches below me.

Being on the top of the tree, there aren't any branches around me that I can jump safely onto without the cat being able to catch me.

I look ahead to the next tree on the park sidewalk, it's my only hope now.

I crouch a little to get ready to jump. I back up a little and start sprinting and-


I jolt awake from the screaming in my ear.

Out of surprise I fall from my bed onto the floor. When I gather myself and realize where I am I pull the blankets off and look across my room to see Jeongin jumping on my bed.

"Jeongin! Don't do that!"

"Sorry, hyung. But Channie asked me to wake you up so we can get ready to go to the alleys." He explains.

I nod and try to wipe the sleep away from my eyes as I stumble out of the pile of blankets on the floor.

"By the way, hyung, why were you moving so much in your sleep? You even let out small noises sometimes." He laughed.

Hearing this, I pretend to rub my eyes more to cover the small blush that raised on my cheeks.

"I- I d-don't know, Jeongin. I'm gonna g-go get ready." I stutter out still embarrassed.

As I enter my bathroom, I hear Jeongin laugh a little and exit my room.


After showering, getting dressed, eating a quick breakfast, and gathering the things we would give away today, we all piled ourselves and the items in the van.

We drove past the busy streets of the city with the business skyscrapers towering over us. Those buildings are just unofficial castles for the rich people to gather in.

To anyone else, those are just buildings that stand in the middle of the city and house people who make presentations and fight for promotions all day.

But to us, those buildings are a huge bag of money that only a few skilled people can open and take from. The people who can open the bag have the responsibility to either help themselves or others as well.

Even though the people who are able to open the bag are considered "rotten, no good, bad, dangerous", are they really? Most of the time it's the bag and its people that caused the "rotten" people to have to learn their skill.

But because of the bag's people, we have the opportunity to help others who can't help themselves. So this whole endless cycle is kind of bittersweet because of its constant uprisings and downfalls.

While I was staring off into space, I didn't notice that we had pulled into the back of the abandoned warehouse.

The warehouse was on the other side of the city, opposite to the skyscrapers.

We all get out of the van, Jeongin hops out first with his hands full of little yellow flags.

As Chan, Seungmin, and I get out, Jeongin hands me and Seungmin half of the flags each.

"Ok, we're meeting at the same spot as always. Make sure to leave the flags open, but not too much for outsiders to see. Just put them where you usually do." He reminds us.

Me and Seungmin nod as we all go our separate ways, as Jeongin and Chan head to the warehouse to set up.

I go down the first alley and place one of my flags on a small box. Out of the corner of my eye I see movement.

Slowly stepping towards the moving tarp, a woman slowly pokes her head out. She looks worried about my presents, but that's expected.

Without any words, I place one of my flags on the ground right in front of her tent. She looks at the flag and back at me in confusion, but that's also expected.

I give her a small smile and nod and continue walking down the alley, occasionally stopping to place a flag here and there.

When I'm turning the corner, I see her pick up the flag and look at me through the corner of my eye. She's confused now, but she'll understand if she goes to the warehouse. We'll be expecting her.


I don't want to explain the dream in the beginning and I'm not going to 😌

The whole analogy I used about the money bag was on the fly, but I added it because I remembered that Jisung helps writes lyrics for skz's songs and their lyrics are always so meaningful. So I hope it didn't seem too weird for Jisung to be thinking that.

If you're confused about the whole flag situation, don't worry. Everything will be explained in the next chapter.

Anyway, this week I present a meme from our BTC president, BM from KARD (and Wonho):

Anyway, this week I present a meme from our BTC president, BM from KARD (and Wonho):

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Luv you guys! ❤🖤❤🖤

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