Fεεl αlivε [Assassin's Creed] : [03]

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"Who are you?" It was more of a demand than a question, even she could tell in her frightened state. Silver ignored the want to swallow the lump in her throat. Again. It seemed like a new common occurrence since the day had begun. While Genesis seemed perfectly able to roll along with anything that life threw at her, Silver could not. She could hide it, but really she was already beginning to feel the effects.

She missed her family; she may have been a Templar but she did love them and she wondered if they knew she was gone yet. Or did no time pass at all yet for them? She didn't care, she was too worried to care. She didn't have many friends but the ones she did have she loved deeply. Would she be able to get home to see them again? She was losing hope quickly and all she wanted to do was cry.

But of course she refused to allow herself that luxury when in front of this intimidating man. He even had his right hand fisted into her too-baggy jacket to keep her from running off while he interrogated her.

"Silver." She didn't want to lie to this man, she was a terrible liar and she didn't wish to end up skewered with that hidden blade she knew was strapped to the left wrist. She had viewed the tapes of memories of Assassins to recognize it on sight by now.

The man nodded, and she could feel herself shaking. He didn't seem like the friendly type, even when he wasn't threatening someone. Silver took a steady breath to try and keep herself calm. It didn't help. She was still too tired, too worried, too scared and a combination of everything else she could think of to remain adequately calm.

"What did you see and hear?" he grunted again, clearly not a happy man. What was she supposed to say? I saw you kill a man and you are apparently after another! Silver figured that wouldn't go down well. Silver instead locked her eyes where she figured his would be, hidden under that hood.

She'd have to risk lying...

"N-Nothing. I-I-I tripped! Tha-at's all!" Silver mentally winced as she stammered over the words. She really did need to find a way to improve lying, even if she hated the 'art' with a passion. It wasn't her forte and she despised being lied to herself. She only reserved this act for desperate situations.

Silver believed this counted as desperate.

The man's eyes narrowed underneath his hood. Did she really believe him to be some simpleton to believe a weak lie such as that? Not to mention her body language screamed 'lie.' "Do not test me, woman."

In any other situation Silver would've given him an earful for the 'woman' tidbit. In any other situation she was not at blade point, however. Instead of answering she narrowed her own eyes back under the strange black hat adorning her head and clenched her jaw shut. She clearly was done talking to him. He would have killed her then and there if not for the tenet 'Do not kill innocents' echoed in his head. He growled lowly and he watched the woman flinch at this.

He couldn't very well kill her without knowing, not without getting punished by his master later for it if word came back around. And with Malik in Jerusalem on his own mission he had no doubt that it would if that happened.

He closed his eyes instead, focusing and in just a split second the familiar sensation caused him to blink them back open to reveal just what allegiance this woman was under. True, most women were subservient but he had seen a fair few that had become thieves in his day, and you could never be too sure...

The area around them had grown dark to his eyes, to the point where it was hard to make out inanimate objects in shadowed places and at night. Before him the woman glowed a solid color, radiating just enough light around her to make her easily noticeable if she had been within a crowd, with the ‘grays’ who had nothing for or against the man using this talent.

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