Fεεl αlivε [Assassin's Creed] : [14]

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Halfway through the next day, a little after the afternoon meal, Silver was madly tearing the room apart. In fact by the time she was finished it looked as if World War I had gone on inside the tiny room itself. She had even debated pulling apart the lumpy mattresses to look for the new lost item of hers though she realized just how crazy that idea had been and had shrugged it off, though the mattresses were lying upon the floor as well at odd angles. One of them was even sagging against the wall where she had thrown it in her search.

Now she stood amidst this mess, hands on her hips as her eyes roved the room in search of the golden pocket watch she treasured. It wasn't something she'd just misplace, especially in this time zone. Something like that was beyond the masses comprehension.

No, she didn't misplace it she was sure of it. Before the afternoon meal she had even snuck a peak at the time before stuffing it back in her pocket securely and double checking that it was there while she ate and chatted here and there with Kareema.

Silver mulled over this, running over who she had seen around her after that before she had noticed it missing. It was a little difficult, what with nearly everyone's faces hidden beneath hood and shadow. She had learned to rely on body language and demeanor to pick out who was who in this place after a few days of trying other methods.

Though she did remember seeing that Shadi kid around her around the time her treasured item had gone missing. Thinking back on it that boy had been around her a lot in just the past few days, as if he had a sudden interest in her. But if he was interested because of her being a foreigner he was behind the times, though Silver doubted this was it.

No, it had to have something to do with all of her missing objects. First the wallet and the objects inside of it, then her Pokewalker and now her watch.

Silver crossed her arms over her chest as she debated on what her options were in this situation. She could just ignore it and hope for the best or that her items would turn up again or she could find out what was going on, if anything. She shook her head.

"No way am I letting this go on!" she grumbled spinning around and hurrying out of the room to begin her investigation. She would worry about the mess she had made at a later time.

Speed walking down the hallways she was off to find the first person she would ask for any information they had. The tail of her long coat waved elegantly in the air behind her as she moved as well as the sash's ends and two black tails upon the front of the coat. However she paid it no mind as she was lost in thought.

Who's stealing my things? I haven't done anything to anger anyone nor have I made myself out as an enemy.she mused as she went, heading for the kitchens and ignoring the quick glances she received for her unusually swift pace. She really could not figure out just why her stuff was going missing. Was there something she wasn't seeing? Well, hopefully a bit of digging for information would fix that.

"Kareema!" The call caused a few of the women cleaning up or making sure they had enough food rations for the next meal to glance up to witness Silver glancing about for the woman in question before going back to their tasks.

"What is it?" came the soft and kind voice of the woman she sought. And there she was wiping pots and dishes dry as she watched Silver hurry over to her.

"I have a question or two, if you wouldn't mind." Silver informed, holding her hands up in the silent inquiry if Kareema could spare her a few minutes. Nodding she set the dish and the rag she was using down upon the counter before turning fully to Silver.

"I don't see why not."

Silver quickly explained about her missing items to her companion, by passing a few details here and there merely explaining that they were strange in this land but considered normal back in her home (which technically wasn't a lie) and that she needed them back though she had no idea who could've taken them. "You wouldn't happen to know of anyone who dislikes me that much or anything would you?"

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