Fεεl αlivε [Assassin's Creed] : [17]

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People scattered as they witnessed the two bloody assassins hurrying down the streets. Both were growing dizzy and had to fight to keep from just sinking into unconsciousness from blood loss. Several times either one would nearly topple over into a nearby passerby who would panic as they witnessed all of the blood.

Shouts of "Assassin!", "Don't let them get away!", and "Heretics!" followed after them as they hurried to get out of Jerusalem alive.

Tucked under her arm, Genesis carried the golden treasure Al Mualim had sent them after, her free hand pressing a length of clothe she had swiped from a stand as they ran by to her neck where blood was leaking out. It had been a near-fatal hit; any closer and the vein would've been hit and she surely would've been a goner.

Not that she was in a good position now, either. The wound was still bleeding profusely and she was amazed she wasn't in shock, yet. Maybe the adrenaline pumping through her body had something to do with it?

She glanced over to spot Malik, his face twisted in rage. His own hand was grasping his near ruined arm. If that wasn't treated soon, too, he would be a goner as well.

Anger welled up in her chest as she remembered just what had happened. Altair had rushed head first into things, without thinking of consequences - even Genesis had found this to be stupid in this type of situation. Robert had thrown Altair out of the room, breaking the scaffolding and keeping the higher-ranked assassin from re-entering the room as rubble closed off the doorway. The fight had soon begun and it had only gotten worse...

Kadar had been the first to be felled, a strangled cry leaving his lips as he fell to the floor in his own blood - the Templar who had slain him sneering down at the body. Malik, eyes wide in horror, had let out a vicious cry, but not before the Templar he had been holding off had taken advantage of the momentary distraction to Malik and attacked, resulting in the man's injured arm.

Genesis obviously hadn't fared any better, having rushed away from her opponent in a bid to help Malik as he had been attacked and breaking her number one rule - don't turn your back to your opponent. The Templar had shouted at her as he attacked, causing Genesis to turn to attempt to block the attack that came - but too late. She had been hit soon after.

It had been a miracle that Malik had been able to grab the treasure and turn tail and run, shouting for Genesis to do the same.

And now, here they were, the exit to Jerusalem drawing closer in sight, the guard's shouting from behind growing louder as well. Her heart was beating rapidly, already, to the point she could feel it pounding in her ears as she stumbled again.

"Hurry up!" Malik ordered, turning to spare the woman a glance.

"Coming!" came the gasped response, neither of them willing to argue with one another in such a dire situation.

Neither assassin had a plan as to get around the guards at the exit as they drew up to them, the guards spinning around, surprised at the shouting and screaming behind them. Their hands instantly went to the hilts of their swords. Throwing caution to the wind both Malik and Genesis ran past, purposely knocking into whichever guard they were closest to, sending the guards toppling to the ground. However, this backfired as they were slowed dramatically, the blood loss taking its toll once again and causing both to nearly fall with them. Gaining their stride once more Malik whistled loudly.

Genesis threw him a curious look before hooves clopping along the dirt sounded out. The horses they had come in on had approached at the whistle, even Kadar's, however Altair's was noticeably missing.

A growl ripped its way out of Genesis' throat at this as both she and Malik swung up onto the horses, each having to steer one-handed (Genesis had to let go of her wound and hope the blood flow wouldn't increase with the horse's movements, in order to keep a grip on the treasure they had swiped from the Templars). Grimaces and pain-filled grunts left the duo as the horses took off, gaining speed and allowing the two to get away from their pursuers.

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