Fεεl αlivε [Assassin's Creed] : [15]

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"H.... Hey, are you still mad?" Kadar asked grinning sheepishly over at Genesis. The two were stuck in the bureau as Altair and Malik went out to glean any information they could for this mission. Of course, since neither knew what the mission was that left the two stuck doing nothing while Altair and Malik were out working.

Of course Genesis had been in quite a rage, pacing back and forth wildly like some caged lioness. As she had done this her fists had been clenched at her sides and she had glared viciously at anything and everything, especially if it had moved.

Now, however she sat off in the corner, knees drawn up to her chest and her hands resting atop her knees as she glared, once again, at anything and everything.

"No," she grunted and Kadar flinched. It was obvious she was. Her whole form seemed to shake with the emotion and she had closed her eyes in a bid to calm herself down, though her teeth were clenched tightly and her grip on her knees had tightened considerably when he had asked. "But I will be if you ask that a fourth time, Kadar!"

"Y.... Yes, ma'am!" Kadar sheepishly chuckled, a little worried now that that was said aloud.

Genesis was pondering over something in her rage, however. Technically she was an assassin in this time now, she was on a mission Al Mualim had sent her on himself. Didn't that mean that technically she could go out and conduct investigations herself now that the rafiq had told them where the best areas of information would be?

She believed so.

A mischievous expression formed over her face as she eyed the way up and out of the bureau.


Silver mused over many things that morning though mostly of Shadi's warning the day before. "Those close...?" she grumbled, staring up at the sky outside the window of her room. She didn't want to be disturbed while she thought this over, after all. "But there are a lot of people 'close.'" she finished, frustration merely growing in her chest as she was no closer to whatever answer was hidden in the cryptic statement.

After several minutes of attempting to puzzle this riddle out she grunted and made her way out of the room in irritation. She was no good at riddles. Even the most simplistic of riddles could leave her head spinning for days even if the answer was right in front of her face. This cryptic message was no different.

So maybe some fresh air would help. And maybe she would be able to see just who was 'close' and always watching.


Genesis had made it up out of the bureau without much of a hassle, though Kadar had argued that she should stay as it was Malik and Altair's orders that they do so. This had brought the old rafiq out to inspect just why Kadar was worked up. His advice? To get any information she could glean and not to get lost or killed.

While she figured she was going to get an ear full from Malik and maybe even Altair she didn't particularly care. It seemed as if the rafiq agreed with her logic that she, too, was technically an assassin, though his parting words left her to believe he had little faith in her abilities.

That was irritating but it wasn't something she wanted to argue about. If that's what he thought who was she to change that? And even if she did argue back about it he would probably think she was getting up in arms over it because it was truth.

So let him think that as she went about the mission. The way she saw it at least she was taking initiative.

Wandering Jerusalem's streets on her own as a little awkward not knowing the streets very well if at all, especially considering the vast amounts of crowds. Genesis wasn't one for crowds, she hated being caught up in them with no real personal space, but experience told her that it was easiest to eavesdrop while in the throes of a crowd where one was less likely to be noticed.

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