Fεεl αlivε [Assassin's Creed] : [08]

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Big special thanks toadcallifor the fantastic banner (to the side)!


Silver's hands began to shake in nervousness and she was sure that if she was standing and not atop Pelagia her knees would be as well. The assassins of Masyaf had come into view, guarding what seemed to be some type of a watch tower between two giant rock walls on either side of the road. At what seemed to be decorative pillars of sorts stood two more of these white and gray clad men, standing watch to protect their home. This didn't include the few scattered around the cliff wall edges, white amidst the stone gray.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that they were quite near to their final destination and in conjunction to meeting this mysterious Al Mualim guy.

Something told her that death could quite possibly be an option that the man could choose from if he so pleased. This didn't help to ease her nerves any.

As they passed the large pillars (all of which looked worn with age and exposure to weather) Silver spared a glance over at Genesis, wondering how the other woman was dealing with being so close to what could possibly be the end of their lives.

Instead of looking even the tiniest bit worried the woman was glancing around at their surroundings as they rode down the long winding road, more interested in the scenery rather than her own fate. Or if Genesis was worried about it she was hiding it rather well... Somehow Silver doubted that, the woman never worried about anything.

And she was right, Genesis was not worrying about the upcoming meeting with Al Mualim. Why worry about something she couldn't control? So instead she watched the passing scenery silently as they rode down that curvaceous dirt road, passing by many assassins on foot - she even spotted another rafiq on his way out of Masyaf back to the city he was normally stationed at.

They had all been quiet all day, as if knowing how serious the situation was, and it only served to further bolster Silver's worry.

Once they reached the tall wooden gates (made from sharpened logs stuck into the ground at a vertical with a square entrance cut into it) it was made obvious that the rest of the journey through Masyaf would be on foot. The horses were dismounted from and led to the stables off to the side, outside of the gates where what appeared to be stable boys were working, cleaning the horses, replacing old hay with clean, etc. etc. It was a ritual Silver was familiar with.

With instructions from Malik to the stable boys to take care of the two new additions to the stables they were off (after a quick farewell from Silver to Pelagia and Genesis patting her own steed upon the nose and christening him 'Balthier').

Genesis was grateful for the chance to walk and stretch her legs. She didn’t know about the others but her legs had gotten rather cramped from not moving for so long. She once again took to glancing out of the corners of her eyes at her surroundings, not wanting to seem to easily distracted as they took what seemed to be the default order of their group. Altair once again took the lead, following the old worn out path up the large hill and to the fortress of Masyaf that could be seen from their position higher up. Behind him followed Genesis with Silver tagging along almost hesitantly and Malik bringing up the rear to make sure neither of them made a run for it.

Really, neither of them were that idiotic to believe they could make any sort of an escape now of all places, with so many assassins out and about. With so little of them in their original time, it was hard to believe that such a mass gathering had ever once existed.

Masyaf was a quaint place, with civilians out and about performing their chores and going about their lives peacefully, sure that if anything were to happen the assassins in the fortress would do their best to protect them. Intermingling with them was the occasional assassin on his down time. The houses were small and simple in structure but helped to give the place its charm.

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