Fεεl αlivε [Assassin's Creed] : [10]

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Genesis resisted snickering at Malik who rubbed his temples gingerly, eyes shut in thought at what he had just heard. She crossed her arms over her chest and continued to lean back against the railing as she watched. Silver sighed.

"You have yet to be here even a day and you are already manipulating those around you?" Malik grunted. It didn't surprise him in the least, his brother was the type who wanted to be helpful. He just hadn't expected him to do this for the girls.

"To make it clear," she spoke up, avoiding Malik's gaze as he looked at her. "He did have a choice!"

"That makes it sound like he didn't," Genesis snickered again as Malik sighed dropping his hands to his sides, the usual irritated look upon his face. Genesis pushed off the railing, her own hands at her sides as she did so. "Well, since I get the feeling that you don't much like me-" She received a look that just screamed 'what gave you that idea?' She continued on unabashed. "I'm gonna go bother Altair. It's a win-win for you!"

"How is this a.... win... win...?" Malik inquired, puzzling over the term only a little and waiting for Genesis to elaborate on this idea of hers.

"Well, you don't much like me and I don't much care for you (I don't much care for Altair either, but that's beside the point!), so you won't have to deal with me. And you get the satisfaction of knowing I'm bothering the ever-loving crap out of that which you hate. Sounds fun, yes?"

"I've told you that you're an idiot before, yes?" Silver inquired, eyes narrowed in disbelief at this woman's plan. Did she really have no idea of self-preservation in her body?

"Shut up!" came the quick answer, Genesis not looking away from Malik as he mulled over this idea.

"Very well. You can find him down below training with the others." came the answer soon after as the man pointed down the slope in the direction to the training area below. Genesis gave a large grin that held no real joy behind it (which Malik found strange considering the woman's desire to go bother someone on purpose, then again he had been noticing more and more little quirks like this within Genesis through the past few days) and flashed the thumbs up to Malik before making her way down the slope to go find her current target to bother.

This left Silver with Malik, in a (once again to her) awkward silence. She knew she would have to remain within eye sight of this man, it was a given with what Al Mualim's orders had stated. But she didn't know if she'd have to be followed everywhere or if that meant she had to follow him...

This was going to be a long day, she could already tell.

Meanwhile Genesis glanced around the crowds of assassins, still a little unnerved at how many there were. Being used to small groups of 4-6 at most (any more was rare) to keep from being too suspicious to any potential Templars when traveling between safe houses or on missions. Having so many in one group in her time was a bad move, as if they were found more would die in the resulting fight.

It was just logical to her and she didn't know of it being any other way.

But far be it for her to show this nervousness. Instead Genesis pulled the hood of her white hoodie up over her head (it did nothing to hide her face in shadows as the assassin's hoods did, being a much to small hood in itself) as if to blend in with the crowds of white and gray covered heads. Not that it did much, her clothes were too strange and most women were not found within the fortress or even around the training area. Thus she accumulated many stares and outright inquiries to one another about the odd woman who paid them no heed.

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