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I walk back into my room and close the door behind me, a few golden rays seep through my blinds, Brooke sat gracefully on the top of my closet, avoiding eye contact.I walk over to my bed and sit down.
After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence she turns her head to look at me, her one blue eye gazes at me.We stare at one another for another minute before I speak.

"Well... Brooke, Eli won't allow us to leave without us interacting so" I started, she looked at me, unphased.


This is stupid, how is she suppose to answer me, I'm talking to a fucking animal.
She ruffles her feathers and flies down, landing a few inches away from me.Once again, gazing back into the void.

"Why are you afraid of me" she said bluntly, still not maintaining eye contact for more then a few seconds.

Holy shit, she spoke.

"Ah well it's.. complicated"

"I.. I see"

Brooke, she doesn't seem to be opening her beak to say anything, it's like her voice is just a thought it my head.It's even more eerie that the voice is the exact voice I heard in the....dream? If you'd call it that.
The room had gotten a bit darker, though it was still quite early in the afternoon,Brooke was now nothing but a black silhouette.Slowly, the room gets dimmer, and dimmer, besides me, Brooke who was still beside me let out a worried cooing sound before jumping closer to me.Her usually glowing blue eye is nothing but a dull light,ah... ah shit... I think I'm dying





Opening my eyes I was now laying on the floor of an empty room, the walls were a soft cream color, the floor was a dark wooden brown, and four chairs placed exactly at each corner.The room had no windows, no door, or any furniture other then the chairs. The room was also dead quiet, nothing but the sound of my own heavy breathing and racing heartbeat,I swear, I was just in my room a second ago.

What am I suppose to do here?

He looked around once again, Standing up and walking over to one of the walls, running a gloved hand on the smooth surface, hoping to find an exit by doing so, maybe this is another stupid "dream" and he could press a secret button to get the heck, out of it.
Suddenly, he froze, and held his breathe, there was another sound in the room, another person, their breathing coming from his right side, he didn't dare turn his head.

"Nice analysis, Carl, it won't work though"

The voice had a metallic ring to it, though, it was nothing more then a whisper.He reluctantly look over to see no one there.

"Not yet, Carl"

This time the voice was on his left, but once again, when he looked over, there was nothing but an indent on the leather seating of the chair, showing that someone had sat there.He clenched his fist, walking closer to the wall so nothing would suddenly jump in-front of him.


"You know me"

Another sound coming from the other side on the right,if this kept up hes going to go insane.

"Show yourself, coward"

"Oh~ watch your words"

Aesop turned to his left swiftly, this time he caught a glance of the figure, they sat with a leg over the other, their elbow on their knee and their chin to their hand.

"Oopsies, you saw me"

The figure disappears once again,  turning into nothing but a shadow, it suddenly appeared directly behind him on the other side of the room, Aesop turned around and pressed his back against the wall.

The other had a grey color scheme, their clothing tattered and torn, their left hand was nowhere to be seen, and all that remained was what looked like broken glass, Their hair also took the cracked appearance, tied up in a low ponytail with a yellow bow, the only pop of color of the figure, though, the most disturbing thing about it was.. it literally had to face, and what was suppose to be the face was broken and cracked like an old porcelain doll.A shielded sword could be clearly scene on the figure.

"Oh~? Like my attire?" It said in a teasing tone, uncrossing its arms to show off its built.Once again, the voice, like Brookes, was like a thought in his head.

"Who are you" He repeated, unamused with the situation.The figure let out a quick amused laugh.

"My my, impatient aren't we"

Aesop crossed his arms and huffed, with the atmosphere this thing was setting it was really more annoying then scary.

"I do not have a physical name"

It once again phases out into a shadow, reappearing right in-front of Aesop, He scowled, knowing he cannot put distance between them.
Taking a closer look at him, in between the cracks on his skin, seemed to be... organs? A beating heart, intestines, lungs, etc, all inside the head. The thing had a putrid smell, it reminded me of the time he embalmed someone without his mask on, "Gross" he though.

Aesop looked up at him with an unamused expression.
"You smell like shit"

"Oh~? Got attitude don't we"

It lets out what seemed to a smile. Though it was hard to tell since, it literally had no mouth.

"I do not have a physical name" he repeated.

"But the hunters you team up with"

"Call me"

A smile forms on the figure, an uncomfortably large smile, Aesop shuddered, now that.. was disturbing.

"The shadow"


Honestly that was really predictable.Anyways I wanted to post a chapter for you so you wouldn't think I died, it's... short but I don't have many ideas for this part sooo, the plots just all over the place right now.

LoveMatch (Eli x Aesop) 1(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now