Four (3)

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This may be a bit wonky it's been a while

Ss Eli's POV
Jack stayed in the position he was in only giving a slight nod to my question.His mask was on one of the nearby tables.I wanted to see his face but he held his head in his arms.Brooke was on the floor cooing softly at the hunter.On my right, Aesop stood staring not knowing what to say.

"He should be ok.. he's a hunter right?And the manors pretty big maybe he's hiding somewhe-"

"No we checked everywhere accessible to us hunters, he's nowhere"

Fan, or the black side of wu Chang was the one who cut me off and spoke.He was standing behind xie who was rubbing jacks back.He looked slightly annoyed but you could tell there was fear in his eyes..Aesop finally came up to speak pushing me back gently to get a good distance between him and the three hunters.

"When did this happen?"

A sniff came from Jack as he pushed his head to the side.Apart from the unusually black eyes he had he looked like any normal man.He starts speaking taking breaks for gasps of air every once in a while

"A few minuets ago, I heard a crash in Joseph's room.I went to go check and he wasn't there.Everything was neatly in its place"
"I asked the nearby hunters and no one heard nor saw him leave so I went to go check some of the areas around."
"It was to dark in the garden and everywhere else was locked so I don't know where he could be"

Aesop nodded, taking in every word before turning to me.

"Is Brooke in any shape to fly?"

"She should be fine why?"

"Can she fly around the manor to see if there's anything?"

Before I could respond Brooke flew into the air out the open window.Aesop chuckles gently.

"Guess so"

I was too occupied on Brooke to notice that Aesop had placed his chin on my head, strapping his arms around me.

"What is it"

"Felt like it"

I gave our a huff of anger as Aesop laughs.Letting go of me and turning back to the hunters.

"If Brooke sees anything we'll report back at breakfast.Even if Joseph comes back we need to ask him where he is."

He pauses and looks over at Xie.

"No ones in a match tomorrow correct?"


"After breakfast meet us at the survivor lounge, other survivors don't go there this early in the morning.We can speak there"

"If people are there we can go to Eli's room"

"I didn't agree to this"

"Well now you are"

"Does everyone agree with this?"

Everyone nodded,I also agreed even tho I was mad at him.

"Great, see you tomorrow"

I'm sorry it's short I'm tired..

I'll start updating once every few weeks.Maybe extra chapters.Thank you for reading so far.Im working on another story on another account.


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