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Ss Eli POV
Another uneventful's 12 at night and I'm still up. I couldn't sleep... I mean, I didn't want to. I wanted to enjoy outside like I use to, one more week of being inside not doing any matches make me feel more sick than I am.I want to feel alive again, running, screaming, all that stuff happening in matches.
A quiet knock turns into heavy knocking on the my door.
Reluctant to open it I stay staring at it while Brooke lands on the doorknob tilting her head at me.
Could it be Naib?..
Naib already came a few hours ago and he would of used the key.
"Brooke go check who it is"
3rd person POV
The small owl leaps up and flies through the small hole,she peaks outside to see who it is.Once she saw it wasn't anyone dangerous she cooed to Eli.
Eli nods to the key beside him and Brooke comes and picks up the key, then she flies out and places the key in the hands of the person.
The door clicks and gets lightly pushes open.
"May I come in?"
The voice was soft but a bit shaky, Eli didn't bother looking up to look at their face.
Eli hums in response and the male unsteadily sits down on the carpet.
Eli looks at him through his blindfold.Shiny silver hair, mask, grey shimmering eyes...
Eli was surprised, he never had a proper conversation with the male, other than that one time he came to help him with his hair and bring him water.
This time Aesop looked a bit nervous and shaken.
Eli sits up and pats the side of his bed gesturing for him to sit there.Aesop gets ups and sits were he told him to.After a long silence between the two of them
Aesop broke the silence.
"How are you"
"Better than before,its not that serious though"
Aesop glares at him
"Your side was gushing out blood and you looked like you about gave up on life and you tell me that you're fine"
Eli was surprised on how much he cared,they've only known each-other slightly for three days.Aesop shook his head and looked out the large window that was basically the only light in the room at the moment.
"Is that all?"
"No I have more questions"
Eli froze not wanting to continue talking.
"I mean.. if you want"
Eli wanted to say no and tell him to leave but a something held him back, he slowly nodded.
"Go on"

Another short chapter I'm sorry hah~~

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