Alien Resurr-Eggtion

Start from the beginning

"You got three basic rules," He said matter-of-factly. "Aliens wanna take over the world and start making baby aliens, people fight back, and the military's called. Yo, Chris, where's my paycheck?" Chris flinched.

"It's... in the mail," Chef glared at him and he pulled out a map.

"Today's challenge: find an alien egg and return to home base before mama alien finds you, the two fastest get to pick teams this season."

"Sorry losers, and Corrine," Duncan said. "But no one knows alien movies the way I do, the more obscure, the better."

"I'm gonna blend up those no-good aliens and have them for breakfast!" Gwen quoted in a deep voice, earning excitement from Duncan.

"Dude, 'Alien chunks' is my favorite alien movie of all time!" Duncan declared.

"I like-" Corrine was quickly interrupted by Gwen.

"Me too!" She said. "I've seen it twenty-seven times!'

"Fifty-three," Duncan countered.

"You'll be tough to beat," Gwen admitted. "But I have my lucky charm."

"I love the scene in Alien Chunks where they turn the aliens into fruity blended drinks. I even have the necklace," Gwen confessed.

"I like the movie where the aliens take over the government," Trent said, then imitated a robot. "Take me to your leader!"

"Oh, dude! You are so going down!" Duncan laughed out and Trent frowned.

"It was a good movie. Right, Gwen?" He asked and she bit her lip.

"Okay, this is kinda awkward," Gwen stated, looking away. Corrine patted Trent on the back.

"It's okay man, it wasn't that bad of a movie." Trent smiled at her weakly.

"Thanks, Corrine. What movie were you gonna talk about?" He asked.

"Oh, it's not important," She said, waving her hands back and forth.

"No, no. Tell me," Trent pressed.

"I like 'The Man Who Fell to Earth'," She said.

"That sounds cool, you'll have to tell me about it later." Corrine smiled and nodded.

"Yo, Chris," DJ asked. "You got some laser-shooting monster playing mama alien?"

"Not quite," Chris said, pointing over to Chef, who had changed into an alien costume. "You call that slime? Makeup! More slime over here!" A large bucket filled to the brim with lime green slime was dumped onto Chef's head, dripping down into his neck.

"I hate my life." Chris ignored him, pulling out little rectangle boxes, tossing them the campers.

"Here are your GPS devices, complete with maps of the film lot. Find the alien eggs; be careful, 'cause today, you're all on Chef's menu."

"I'm feeling pretty good about this challenge," Corrine confessed. "We have everything we need, we just gotta be fast."

The campers were all walking down a long hallway, inspecting their GPS devices while keeping a lookout for Chef. They hadn't had the opportunity to split up just yet, as the whole place seemed to just be a straight path, so far. Gwen, Duncan, Trent, and Corrine were put to the front of the line, leading the group, which Izzy wasn't too happy about.

"Hey! Put me at the front of the line!" She laughed out. "I know aliens! I've been abducted tons of times!" Corrine ignored her and watched the GPS, looking out for any sign of Chef.

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