Rock n' Rule

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Last time on Total Drama Action, Harold took a big bite of who-done-it in our most mysterious episode yet. After our contestants cracked the code of Chris' mysterious message, they stealthy had to fetch prints and DNA from each other. Apathy reward on a train quickly turned into a hunt for my murderer. When Lindsay and Corrine were declared the Sherlockiest of them all, Courtney was furious. But, it didn't stop Lindsay from inviting Duncan to the movies to make Courtney more jealous. Will Courtney plot some evil revenge? Is Lindsay going to actually outsmart her? Find out on this episode of Total Drama Action!

Corrine ran her fingertips over the stone in her pocket, watching as Lindsay serenaded the girls with a truly horrible attempt at singing. She did look happy, though, and that was contagious.

"Would you please shut up?" Courtney asked with a look of contempt on her face. "Your not even singing the right words!"

She sent a glare Corrine's way.

"And everyone knows you picked Duncan for your movie reward last night as retaliation. The murder mystery challenge is over, so you can stop massacring that song!"

Lindsay furrowed her brows and looked at her mascara wand.

"I was not mascara-ing anything except my eyelashes, Courtney."

Lindsay blinked, the towel turban wrapped around her head drooping down.

"What's that other thing you said I did?"

Beth huffed and jumped from her bunk bed, watching the girls with a desperate look on her freckled face.

"Guys, can't we try to get along?" She pleaded and Corrine let out a sharp laugh.

"What?" Beth asked. As Corrine walked to Lindsay's side.

"I don't know why you would want the two of them to get along, seeing as you're siding with Courtney one day and then Lindsay the next. Are you actually loyal to anyone, or are you just hoping to ride on their coattails?"

Bethe let out a gasp.

"Oh, don't play dumb, Lindsay!" Courtney exclaimed, ignoring Corrine's words. Lindsay blinked again before breaking into song again. Courtney watched her in shock, leaning toward Beth.

"She isn't playing, is she?"

Beth shook her head.

Meanwhile, at the boy's trailer, Duncan cringed and covered his ears as Lindsay's voice cut through any sense of peace he had that morning.

"Three hours at the movies with that girl and now this?" He looked over at Harold, reaching out and grabbing his collar tightly. He pushed him to the floor. "Ugh. I'm gonna go stick a fork in my eye to relieve the pain."

Suddenly the sound of drums filled the air and both trailers shared a look, rushing to swing their door open. They were greeted by Chris and Chef, who was pounding away at the drums with glee. He hit the symbols, ending his little solo, and making Chris jump. He sent him a glare before turning back to the campers, a manic grin on his face.

"Nice of you to join us," He said. "Today's movie genre is, drumroll please."

Chef grinned and drummed loudly until Chris stopped him.

"Today's movie genre is, the rock and roll biopic."

Harold grinned.


He slid along the grass, playing air guitar.

"Rock and roll biopic? Normally I would've been stoked," Duncan confessed. "But I had a rocking headache from Lindsay-palooza last night."

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