The Aftermath III: Owen or Lose (Short)

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Bridgette and Geoff sat in the middle of their stage, fake smiles plastered across their face.

"Yo, everyone!" Geoff said. "Welcome to the totally off-the-hook, Total Drama Action Aftermath show! Geoff here!"

"And I'm Bridgette!" The blond introduces. "A ton has happened here since we last saw you. TDA has lost some serious heavyweights."

A TV monitor flickered on, showing a slide of the contestants voted off since the last Aftermath episode.

"Owen, as well as Heather and Leshawna."

"We've also got our buds from season one and losers from season two," Geoff finished off.

"So far so good?" Geoff asked Bridgette, turning his head closer to her.

"So far," She affirmed and he gave her a melty grin.

"Bridgette thinks we need to bring more insanity to the show," Geoff began, only to be cut off by her frown.

"I mean profanity-"

She punched him in the arm.

"Humanity! Bridgette thinks I'm going too over the top," Geoff said. "But then, so have our ratings."

"Okay," Bridgette let out a tense laugh. "I get that this is a reality show and that everyone wants the dirt on what went down, but everyone on TDA, who I'd like to remind Geoff are our friends, has already taken it up the wing-wang from Chris. Plus they've lost out on a million dollars bucks."

The past contests watched the teens argue, grossing visibly uncomfortable.

"I mean, isn't that brutal enough?" Bridgette asked. "They should be able to come here and feel safe to speak their minds."

"No one goes on a reality show to feel safe, Bridge. This isn't some cushy talk show. Do you have any idea how incredible the lighting on those shows is? I mean, who needs to win a million bucks when you can look it?"

"I'm not sure everyone would agree," Bridgette chimed in.

"Well," Geoff scoffed out. "Our lighting stinks. My dermatologist told me so, and so did my publicist and my new manager."

A light suddenly fell from the ceiling, right next to Geoff and he looked up at the light guys.

"No hard feelings, guys," He said with a shrug. "Point is, this isn't some touchy-feely place where people go to talk about their problems. Well, they can, but I'm not gonna make them feel any better about them."

"Nice," Bridgette scoffed.

"Hey," Geoff defended. "I just do what our producers tell me. Can I help it if I take my job seriously? Huh? Maybe you should try."

Bridgette let out an offended gasp, standing up and poking him in the chest hard.

"Your job is to try and get the good from people," Bridgette said. "How can they be open when they might get hit over the head with a hammer, or an anvil."

She gestured towards the ceiling, exposing the giant anvil dangling from a rope.

"Come on!" Geoff groaned. "That's the point of the segment! To get the truth. We've got something even better in store for today's show baby!"

"You've turned into a bully, you know that?"

"Oh, I'm with you Bridge. Our show rocks! Our show has three guests tonight, and because they're such great sports, they deserve something extra."

"Owen already broke his jaw and had to eat food through a straw," Bridgette said, not liking the glint in her boyfriend's eye. "That's punishment enough."

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