Chapter 5 - Bespin

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I feel the approaching Force presences from around the corner moments before I hear the people coming. Luke and I step back against the wall, while I carefully peak around the corner to see who's approaching.

Luke pulls out his blaster, and I can't suppress an eye roll. He thinks that is going to be more useful than a lightsaber? Although I suppose he's not very skilled with it yet so...

Someone dressed in Mandalorian armor steps into view, striding down the hallway. Behind him follow two other people carrying a long, weird-looking object that vaguely resembles a person. Two men in white armor – who remind me of clones – are following at the end of the odd procession. It appears that someone has been carbon frozen, but why would that have happened? I know in the Citadel mission, Anakin ordered everyone carbon frozen to avoid detection, but this? What exactly is happening?

"I think one of your friends may have ended up in a carbon-freezing chamber," I whisper to Luke.

"What?!" he hisses, carefully peering around the corner as the procession continues. "That must be... Han!" Oh, perfect. More questions. I just hope we can free him before it's too late, and since there aren't many people in this area, it shouldn't be too difficult.

Once they finally step out of sight around the corner, I sprint down the hallway again in pursuit, with Luke and Artoo close behind. I get the end of it in time to see the soldiers vanishing through an entrance behind glass doors. Artoo suddenly beeps behind us, and Luke motions to the droid to calm down and be quiet.

Just then, as I prepare to dart around the corner, the person in Mandalorian armor steps back through the doorway and immediately catches sight of us. I withdraw and ignite the lightsaber from Yoda as he open fires on us with his blaster. As I swing the blade, deflecting the bolts back at him, Luke uses the opportunity to shoot at him. All of the shots miss. One of the blaster shots from the figure strikes the wall right next to where I'm standing, blasting a large gaping black hole in it, from which small flames begin licking out.

Possibly realizing that this is a fight he's never going to win, the Mandalorian takes a final shot at us before stepping through the door again and lowering his blaster. He's probably going to get help. I charge down the hall towards the door he disappeared through, but by the time we arrive, the door has already slammed shut. The metal is thick, which doesn't matter much in the long run, since the blade will still cut through.

As I prepare to start cutting through it, I suddenly feel and hear people approaching down one of the side hallways.

"Leia and Chewie are over there," hisses Luke, motioning towards the hall. Turning, I see a man and an army officer leading a group of white-armored soldiers with two people, obviously prisoners, between them. One is a Wookie... Chewbacca, who for some strange reason has the parts of a golden colored droid strapped to his back. And those parts suspiciously remind me of Threepio. I'm not sure I want to know what happened to the droid this time. He always seems to attract trouble. The other is a woman, who, strangely enough, reminds me a lot of Padme. Probably Leia.

The woman turns and catches sight of Luke and I in the hall. "Luke! Luke don't! It's a trap! It's a trap!" she yells at us. The soldiers in the back whirl around and begin firing on us as the other officer who was in the front grabs the woman and attempts to drag her after the group.

Deflecting the blaster bolts, I charge them. The two soldiers closest to me are hit by their own return fire and go down. As the others begin firing at us, the man in the front suddenly draws his own blaster but shoots the person holding onto Leia. Another one of the soldiers fires at me, and I deflect it straight back to him. Luke shoots at the remaining one, killing him.

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