Chapter 33 - Assassination Attempt

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We step around the corner anyway, only to see Shaak Ti sitting on the floor, Grievous standing behind her surrounded by his MagnaGaurd droids with deactivated electrostaffs.

"I'm sorry, Master Kenobi, I failed," she murmurs, looking up.

"General Kenobi," the crazed cyborg cackles, "We've been waiting for you."

"... You know, you're shorter than I expected," is the first thing out of Anakin's mouth.

I raise an eyemarking at him. Does he really think now is a good time for jokes? I didn't realize Shaak Ti was captured also. She must have been one of the ones defending the Sith Lord, having left to return to Coruscant to deliver an in-person report long before we did.

"Jedi scum!" growls Grievous angrily, bending over and activating a blue lightsaber straight through the Jedi Master's chest. She collapses on the floor, dead instantly, and all three of us ignite our lightsabers. I hadn't liked the Jedi Master much in the time I'd known her, but to see her dead... A large group of battle droids swarm up behind us, moving forwards. Great. We're trapped.

More battle droids step out from behind parts of the hall further down behind Grievous, preparing to fire.

"Anakin, Ahsoka..." Obi-Wan says.

"Ready," he and I confirm as move to stand in a circle. We've done this before. If you can't go either way, go up or down. We stab our lightsabers into the floor, cutting a circle around ourselves.

We fall down into what looks like the fuel room. Fuel splashes up around the piece of floor as we land, quickly deactivating our lightsabers before we hit the ground.

"Fuel," realizes Obi-Wan, "The slightest charge from our sabers will send this ship into oblivion. That's why they haven't shot at us yet." I glance up through the hole as to see a furious Grievous glaring down at us before we move out of his sight.

"Well then, we're safe for the time being," Anakin decides cheerfully.

"Your idea of safe is not the same as mine," Obi-Wan informs him flatly.

We quickly head off down the passageway. The ship trembles slightly from the force of explosions from the space battle. Pipes along the walls are spilling more and more fuel into the hall as they burst. It seem the ship is suffering much more damage than we realized.

"We better get going, before we drown," I advise, hurrying through the deepening liquid. Suddenly, I hear a distant splash far behind us. They've obviously sent droid pursuers after us.

"They're sealing this section off," Anakin observes as the sounds of doors closing echoes through the hall.

"Six droids coming our way!" warns Obi-Wan, looking back to see them swimming towards us. The level of fuel is steadily continuing to rise, now reaching my neck. Yes, we badly need to get out of here.

"Keep moving," Anakin advises, as if we're not. "There must be vents around here somewhere." By this point, I'm more swimming than walking or I'd be practically literally drowning. The droids are getting ever closer, but I highly doubt they're going to shoot at us down here, so I'm not too worried about it.

"I've found our escape vent," Anakin announces cheerfully, coming to a stop next to a small grate.

"About time!" I exclaim, moving towards it.

"Anakin, this is no time for jokes," groans Obi-Wan, "We're in serious trouble here."

"He's not joking," I grumble, pushing past them and pulling myself into the tiny space. I can fit fine, but I'm not sure about them.

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