Chapter 43 - The Beginning of the End

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"I hope this is part of a brilliant plan to break me out of here," I sigh as soon as the two of us are left alone in the room, both in restraints.

"Not this time," Obi-Wan replies, a hint of concern evident in his usually stoic expression. Oh great. How did I know it? Why is everything possible going wrong? What's next? "It's good to see you alright. Anakin's been really worried."

"Well, it would be good to see you under better circumstances," I reply, "What happened?"

"A bounty hunter tried to assassinate Padme again. I chased after him and he led me right to Maul and Dooku." Oh, that explains it. They were luring him away so they could capture him also. I hardly have a question in my mind anymore as to what Sidious intends to do. He's going to use both of us to try and get Anakin to Fall.

I frown. Something else I really need to know... "How did Anakin end up running into Palpatine again?" Assuming he did. I'm pretty my vision has already happened.

Obi-Wan shoots me a surprised look. "How did you know?"

"A vision," I explain.

"Palpatine decided to go on leave and stopped by at Padme's apartment first to talk to her. He and Anakin had a bit of a confrontation when she stepped out of the room for a minute. Anakin's back from Mandalore. The battle was won, aside from Maul not being there." That explains it. But how Padme ever allowed them to be alone in the same room together, I'm not sure. Not to mention how could Palpatine dare to go there acting so casual like nothing is wrong?

"So, what's his excuse for going on leave in the middle of the war?" I inquire, trying at least for now to ignore my ever-increasing fear and anxiety. I have a terrible feeling about this.

"He claimed he's been under extreme stress due to the war, and because Anakin, who's almost like a son, attempted assassinating him, so he needed to take a break so it wouldn't affect his health."

I snort out loud. Under different circumstances, the story would be downright hilarious. "Yes, I'm sure he's been soooo depressed about it." I sense something akin to amusement flicker through our bond.

Suddenly, an approaching Force presence strikes me. One far too close for comfort. Anakin. He's on his way here, probably either just emerging from hyperspace over the planet or already landing on the surface. Either way, he's walking right into the trap Sidious has set up for him.

"No," I murmur, eyes widening in horror.

Obi-Wan's reply is abruptly cut off as the door to the room swings open. Dooku is the first to enter, followed by an all-to-familiar hooded figure. Hatred and anger surge inside of me. I suddenly remember the last time we saw each other: when I tried and failed to kill him. The memory of the Death Star flashes before my eyes. When Luke and I were brought there and forced to fight Vader. When Sidious nearly killed us, and Anakin sacrificed himself. I remember seeing the lightning pouring over him, feeling his Force-presence fading and the unbearable agony when our bond finally broke.

My fear is gone. All I feel is the anger burning through me, and the fierce determination to save my brother. Sidious will not take him – not again. I've always tried to save everyone – something I learned from Anakin – but now I know that there's some people who simply don't deserve to live.

Yellow eyes meet mine as Sidious looks between Obi-Wan and I, looking altogether too satisfied. I glare back at him. If looks could kill, he would have died long ago.

"Everything is proceeding according to my design," Sidious laughs evilly. Oh, so I suppose my time traveling to the future was also part of his plan. But I don't say a word. No need to make him start talking to me unnecessarily.

ConsequencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora