Chapter 12 - Confirmation

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I stand behind Luke, watching as he levitates the various large objects in front of him before carefully setting them down. It's been several weeks since we arrived on the Rebel cruiser. Since the last base was destroyed, they still haven't found another one, and decided that, at least for now, it will be safer to remain in space.

We also have yet to make lightsabers since we need to collect the materials for them, but hopefully we'll be able to do that once we go to Tatooine. Meanwhile, I've focused on the other aspects of Luke's training, such as his not-so-great telekinesis abilities. He is improving fast, though. Faster than I would have thought possible.

Above all, I'm still struggling to come to terms with everything that's happened. I can't believe Anakin could have turned to the Dark Side, and that everything could have descended into chaos like this. Whether I want to believe it or not, the truth is right before my eyes. I don't have a choice but to accept it.

Then there's the other problem. I can't leave Anakin, but what else can I do? After what the Jedi did to me, I can't stay. I can't just forgive them. What if Anakin had been in my place instead? Would they have still abandoned him? I wouldn't be surprised, but it doesn't matter. They don't trust him. They didn't trust me, either, even though I was never anything but faithful to them from the start of the war. They should have known. Force, they were supposed to be Jedi masters. They should have known whether I was lying. And even if they couldn't, for whatever reason, they should have looked at the evidence. Tarkin didn't even have enough against me to make a solid case. I could have torn it apart had I been in the right mind to do so at the time.

I can't leave Anakin. I can't let the Empire be formed. Still, there's a part of me that wonders. Could I even stop it? And even if I could, should I? That's the biggest problem. I don't want the Jedi to be destroyed, but I can't help but wonder. They are corrupt. There's no doubts about that. I simply don't know how else the Order can be fixed without being completely taken apart and rebuilt from scratch, as Luke is trying to do in this future.

A sudden knock on the door startles Luke out of his practicing and me out of my thoughts.

"Who is it?" I call as Luke slowly sets the objects back down again.

"Can I come in?" replies Leia.

"Yes, of course," answers Luke. She opens the door, stepping into the room before shutting it behind her.

"We just received the signal from Chewie," she announces happily.

"We need to leave immediately," decides Luke, looking over at me. I nod in agreement. It's really strange to be training someone who's older than me, especially since I'm not even a Knight yet. Although, I guess he is technically younger from a certain point of view...

"I'll inform the Alliance High Council that we're leaving. You prepare whatever you're going to take," Leia says before hurrying out of the room. That immediately sets the two of us into motion, preparing the few things we're planning on taking with us. And at least we're finally moving towards getting new lightsabers.

About an hour later, the three of us meet in the hanger bay with Threepio and Artoo. We board one of the ships and fly away, jumping into hyperspace shortly thereafter.

I gaze out the cockpit viewport for many long moments, watching the blur of white and blue streaking by. We're going to have a long time here to find something to do. Now would be a perfect time to speak with them. I haven't had much time to talk to Leia over the past few weeks, but now would be a great opportunity. But first of all, perhaps we should discuss plans.

I turn to the others. "Let's discuss our plans," I suggest.

"Well assuming that Han is in Jabba's palace, how would even get in there to free him?" wonders Leia, "Somehow we'd have to get there all at once."

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