Chapter 10 - Mustafar

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The sky is cloudy and dark, but it stills appears to be daytime. In the background, I can see rivers of lava flowing. It reminds me of... Mustafar. I've been there once before. It's the planet Anakin and I went to one time to save the Force-sensitive children from Bane and the Sith. It was not at all a fun experience and ended with both of us running for the ship as fast as we could with the entire building collapsing around us. Not to mention the floor literally gave way under my feet, and I barely managed to jump out of the way on time.

A Naboo spaceship, Padme's, lands not far away on the landing dock, and she begins descending the ramp as Anakin walks the other direction from somewhere I can't see. The sight of him sends a pang stabbing through me. Watching this, I can just something is off about him, like he's already Fallen or about to. It's more a feeling I get from the Force than anything else. And for some inexplicable reason, I suddenly have a very bad feeling about continuing to watch this.

They run to each other. "Padme, I saw your ship," Anakin says as they embrace. Somewhere in the back of my mind it registers that I haven't seen her since my trial. I try not to think about it.

"Oh, Anakin!" she exclaims tearfully. Wait, why is she crying? What is going on right now?

"It's all right, you're safe now. What are you doing out here?"

"I was so worried about you. Obi-Wan told me terrible things," cries Padme. Oh. Oh no.

"What things?" demands Anakin.

"He said you have turned to the Dark Side... that you killed younglings," Padme answers. No. No. No. No! I can't believe this. Somewhere inside I knew it was true, but I can't believe it. Tears sting my eyes, but I hold them back, unable to look away from the hologram. Master, what have you done?

"Obi-Wan is trying to turn you against me," he insists.

"He cares about us," she argues.

"Us?" demands Anakin, a dangerous edge in his voice.

"He knows. He wants to help you," she insists. Anakin seems almost amused for a second and looks away, an expression I don't understand at all. "Anakin, all I want is your love," Padme protests.

"Love won't save you, Padme," Anakin argues, "Only my new powers can do that." Save her from what? I don't understand. This makes no sense. There's something huge I'm missing that I'm not convinced I'll find the answer to.

"At what cost? You are a good person. Don't do this," she pleads.

"I won't lose you the way I lost my mother! I've become more powerful than any Jedi has ever dreamed of and I've done it for you. To protect you." So, he's Fell to protect Padme... although from what exactly I'm not sure. But I think the only reason things went this far is because at this point everyone has broken his trust or left him. Except Padme maybe. Even I did. So that's why I was sent here, to see the consequences of my actions. Which means that whatever terrible things are about to happen – because somehow, I know something will happen even though I can't stop watching – is going to be my fault.

"Come away with me. Help me raise our child. Leave everything else behind while we still can," Padme begs frantically trying to make him see reason. Well, that answers who Luke's mother is, not that I hadn't already guessed.

"Don't you see, we don't have to run away anymore. I have brought peace to the Republic. I am more powerful than the Chancellor. I can overthrow him, and together you and I can rule the galaxy. Make things the way we want them to be," Anakin insists. This... this isn't Anakin. Not the one I know. It's Vader.

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