Chapter 38 - Spice Shipments

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"I can tell you worked with starships before," Trace observes as I help her finish up her ship. I've been staying around her ever since we first met up, and we're becoming friends, though I still don't have a great liking for Rafa. She seems much colder. I should be continuing with the investigation on the attempted assassination, but something in the Force is urging me to stay around Trace for now. Perhaps doing so will give me more of a lead. I don't know, but I won't question it. The one thing I haven't lost my trust in is the Force, and right now, it wants me to stay with Trace.

"I have. I went to one of the best academies," I remark as I keep working.

"What was it called?" she asks. Oh no.

"Uh... Skywalker Academy," I blurt out. It's the first thing I can think of, even if it sounds stupid.

"Skywalker? Never heard of it," she declares, "But I haven't heard of most things down here. I never went to an academy."

"Why not?"

"There aren't any down here and even if there were, I couldn't afford it." Oh. That explains it.

"Impressive," I remark as I continue inspecting the ship.

"No, impressive is coming up," she insists, smiling, "Once the Silver Angel hyperdrive comes up."

"The Silver Angel?" I can't help but laugh.

"Yeah, why?" she crosses her arms behind me, irritation flashing across her face.

"I don't know. I just never heard of a name like that before," I attempt to explain. Really, I didn't mean to insult her.

"Wait, you're saying it's a bad name?" she demands.

"Hey, it's your ship. You can call it what you want," I reply, as I turn and head off across the shop, "Why don't you name my bike while you're at it?"

"I did," she smirks, "Trash. Its name is Trash."

"Very funny." And appropriate.


"Do you want to come?" Trace inquires. We're standing in front of the Silver Angel.

I frown. I really want to go with them, but... "I'd like to but, I have some things to take care of here."

Trace looks unhappy but doesn't protest. Rafa turns to the ship. "Well then, see you around, Ahsoka."

Suddenly, the world shifts around me, a completely different scene materializing before my eyes.

"In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you are under arrest Chancellor," Windu's voice rings out. He stands there with his purple lightsaber ignited, three other Jedi Masters behind him, ignited lightsabers in their hands as well.

"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?" Palpatine replies, eerily calm.

"The Senate will decide your fate," retorts Windu.

"I am the Senate!" he snaps.

"Not yet," Windu replies.

Palpatine rises to his feet, obviously ready for a fight. "It's treason then." In a swift move, he leaps over the desk, the lightsaber that appeared in his hands moments before igniting as he attacks the Jedi.

"Execute Order 66," I hear Sidious rasping as the world fades to dark and slowly starts changing to something completely different.

A black-robed figure marches towards the Jedi Temple, long lines of clones behind him. As he gets closer, I manage to get a look at his face. It's Darth Maul.

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