Chapter 32 - Planning

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"I'm beginning to think we shouldn't wait until the Council decides to act before we take action," I declare as our ship streaks through hyperspace back towards the Capital so we can go rescue a crazed Sith Lord from his own apprentice – like he needs our help. He could rescue himself just as well. Actually, probably better. Never mind that he arranged this himself.

"What are you saying we should do, then?" Anakin asks, "Not like we could just walk in there and kill him."

"Actually, that's exactly what I was thinking," I retort, "We could just say Dooku or Grievous did it. No one would ever know better but the Council – which doesn't really matter. If we took him by surprise, it shouldn't be hard. He wouldn't ever see it coming." It's a risky idea, to be sure, but the fastest option for now, one that will avoid the Jedi being destroyed. And please, no one mention that he should be put on trial.

There is a momentary pause. "Great idea, Snips," he congratulates, a grin spreading across his face, "Let's do it. Obi-Wan? Any input?"

He frowns. "I'm not sure this is a good idea."

I sigh. No, maybe it's not the most brilliant plan ever, but... "It's the best option we've got right now. It's not like there's a way to arrest him and make him stand trial. He's far too powerful. If we want to defeat him without risking countless lives, we have to take him by surprise,"

"This may be the best opportunity we get in a long time," adds Anakin, "Besides, unless the Council decides they have enough evidence against him soon, he could find out that we're planning to de-chip the clones, and then he might issue Order 66 immediately." Exactly. That is something we cannot allow to happen. If Sidious felt his plans were being threatened to that extent, I think he would keep moving on them, even without Anakin as Vader.

Obi-Wan seems to consider our words for a long moment before speaking. "I still don't like this idea, but it's probably the best we can do right now."

"Great!" I exclaim, "Then let's go for it." I'm more excited than I should be. This should be the perfect time. It seems easy, but for some reason, way inside I get the feeling nothing will be quite so simple. Not with Sidious. Hopefully, we'll at least be able to destroy him, even if Grievous and Dooku get away.

I pause for a moment, thinking through the plan. There's no way to know what will happen, or if we'll be able to do it at all, but regardless, we can't let him think anything of it. "Remember to keep your shields up as strong as you can," I remind. "We have no idea what he's capable of, and if we think about killing him when we're nearby, he might sense it. And in case it comes down to a battle, he's an expert at lightning. Maybe even better than with a lightsaber, I don't know."

"Even better," Anakin grumbles.

"Through the whole battle, he never used a lightsaber," I murmur as the memory flashes through my mind altogether to vividly. "He just had his apprentice do everything. Until the end."

"What happened?" wonders Obi-Wan.

"After the fight was over with Vader... he tried to have Anakin killed," I continue, gaze dropping to the floor. I should stop talking. I really should, but everything just comes pouring out. "I lunged at him – I wasn't really thinking – and he started electrocuting me and Luke. It distracted him enough for you to sneak up on him and killed him, but it killed you in the process."

Before I know it, we've emerged from hyperspace over Coruscant and have gotten into our fighters. The clones who are helping with our attack are flying behind us. I can hardly believe that I finally am able to fight with both Anakin and Obi-Wan again. I've missed the feeling so much.

Our fighters swoop down, flying in unison between the massive ships covering the sky and dodging blaster fire, heading towards the Invisible Hand. A sudden explosion fills the air in front of us, but we zip through, continuing on our journey unscathed.

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