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I got up out my seat and slowly walked over to him. "Hello. I'm Dr. Mahone, it's very nice to meet you." He greeted, holding his hand out for me to shake. Hesitantly, I shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you too." I mumbled. He was so hot, he had perfectly tanned skin, the most beautiful Hazel eyes, a perfect smile, perfect hair, he almost looked fake. He also looked so young, younger than the average new doctor. "Well, let's get going." He smiled taking my hand and bringing me to a room.

"So we are just going to get started with a few questions. Is that okay?" He asked.

"Yes, but I have a question." I asked looking down after I sat on the bed.

"Ask away." He smiled sitting on a chair that has wheels.

"How old are you? If you don't mind me asking." I said looking up

"23." He smiled.

"You are really young to be a doctor." I replied with a smile.

"Well, I graduated high school early." He smiled.

"Oh." I replied nodding my head.

"So let's begin. How long have you been here?" He asked.

"4 years." I replied crossing then uncrossing my legs. He rolled closer to me, and stopped right in between my legs. "No need to be anxious." He smiled a warm genuine smile. "What caused you to need to be here?" He then asked.

"I threatened to commit suicide." I said, looking down, but to only have my chin lifted up.

"Babygirl, don't be embarrassed." He said which shocked me. "Why did you want to kill yourself?" He then asked.

"Bullying." I said softly.

"They were just jealous." He mumbled. "Are you suicidal right now?" He asked. Not with you here with me, I thought in my head. At least that's what I thought. I saw a smirk appear on his face. "Oh my gosh. Did I say that aloud?" I replied embarrassed, before covering my face with my hands. He chuckled, "It's okay." He mumbled. "What do you do on the weekends?" He asked. In this hospital patients with depression and such get to leave for the weekend usually to hang out with family or friends, both of which I basically didn't have. "Nothing. I just watch movies and eat popcorn alone, in my room." I replied.

"So you don't hang out with family or friends?" He asked.

"Don't necessarily have any. My parents have disowned me and I don't have any friends." I replied, looking across the room.

"Oh." He frowned. "Well, I bet you've had enough with the questions, so it's time for a physical exam." He said, rolling his chair back to the desk and taking up a next clipboard with more papers attached.
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