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Christina POV
I woke up to the sun in my eyes. I squinted as I went to close my curtains. I walked back to my bed and pulled the sheet the sheet over my head.
Within moments my room door opened, and the sheet was pulled off my body. I looked up to see it was Becca. "It's time for your first day of school get ready." She smiled.
I slowly got out of my bed and walked to the bathroom. I quickly showered, brushed my teeth, and straightened my hair. I got dressed, (outfit on side or top.) I put my hair in a high bun, put on a pair of flats and walked out my room. Alex exited his room at the same moment. "You look gorgeous." He smiled. I blushed and looked down. He lifted my chin with his finger, and gently kissed me. "ALEX CONSTANCIO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Becca yelled from down the hallway. I quickly moved back. "N-nothing." He stuttered.
"We'll talk about this later. Come on I need to bring you both to school." She sighed.
**After school**
I walked to my bedroom and began my homework as soon as I got home.
**6 pm**
Becca got home and instead of doing her usual process she went to her room.
Within, 1 hour she walked out, dressed in a dress. "Hey, I'm going on a date, so I'll talk to you and Alex when I get home." She told me. She told Alex too. The doorbell rang and she left.
I decided to go to Austin's house. I told Alex I was leaving, and walked across the street to his house. He had just got home. "Hey beautiful." He smiled as he lifted me up.
"Hi." I giggled.
"How was your first day of school?" He asked as he carried me into his house.
"It was amazing!" I smiled. He carried me upstairs to his room, and placed me down on his bed. "I'm going to shower, I'll be back in a few minutes." He smiled before kissing me gently. I smiled and kissed back. He slowly pulled away and walked to the bathroom.
**20 minutes later**
I fell asleep on his bed. I was awakened by his lips connecting to mine. I smiled. "Hello there sleeping beauty." He smiled. I giggled, and looked into his eyes. He roughly kissed me, and I kissed back. I felt as he licked my bottom lip, asking for entry. I allowed, and he began exploring my mouth. I moaned softly. I loosely put my arms around his neck, as he pulled away from the kiss. He started to kiss my jawline. I softly moaned his name. He smirked and started to undress me. However, once I was just in my bra and panties he stopped. "Are you ready? I don't wanna like force you into losing your virginity." He said softly looking into my eyes. I looked away. "I uh, um, uh, already uh, lost my virginity." I mumbled.
"Oh. When?" He replied.
"Y-yesterday." I stuttered.
"With?" He asked, with a bit of uncertainty in his voice. I took a very, very, deep, deep breath. "Alex." I mumbled hoping he didn't hear me.
"So you let your brother take your virginity?" He asked with a lot of anger, I don't think I've ever seen him this angry.
"He's not my biological brother." I replied.
"That doesn't change a thing." He yelled. He was still on top of me and I was really scared. I didn't know what to do or what to say. Suddenly, he seemed like my father. Just angry. I turned my head not wanting to watch him be angry. "You're such a whore!" He yelled as he grabbed my face and turned my head to face his. Before I knew it he slapped me in the face. I just laid there crying as he called me a bunch of names. He got up and walked to the bathroom. I got up and left his house while I had the opportunity. I walked back across the street, and entered the house. Alex was asleep on the couch so I just walked upstairs to my room. I walked around my room, fighting the demons in my mind for about 20 minutes before going to the bathroom, I started to fill the bathtub and sat on the floor crying, and singing.
(The following song is Up by Olly Murs ft Demi Lovato it's not the entire song just a part.)

I drew a broken heart
Right on your window pane
Waited for your reply
Here in the pouring rain
Just breathe against the glass

Leave me some kind of sign
I know the hurt won't pass, yeah
Just tell me it's not the end of the line
Just tell me it's not the end of the line

I never meant to break your heart
I won't let this plane go down
I never meant to make you cry
I'll do what it takes to make this fly, oh
You gotta hold on
Hold on to what you're feeling
That feeling is the best thing
The best thing, alright
I'm gonna place my bet on us
I know this love is heading in the same direction
That's up

You drew a question mark
But you know what I want
I wanna turn the clock, yeah
Right back to where it was
So let's build a bridge, yeah
From your side to mine
I'll be the one to cross over
Just tell me it's not the end of the line
Just tell me it's not the end of the line

I never meant to break your heart
I won't let this plane go down
I never meant to make you cry
I'll do what it takes to make this fly, oh
You gotta hold on
Hold on to what you're feeling
That feeling is the best thing
The best thing, alright
I'm gonna place my bet on us
I know this love is heading in the same direction
That's up
Once the tub filled, I finally gave into my demons. I've fought this battle for too long. It's my time to surrender. I allowed myself to try breathing, hoping to speed up the process.
Author's Note
Please if you're contemplating suicide, have attempted, or are having thoughts call, 1 (800) 273-8255 or 911. There's always hope and someone there to help.
Austin POV
What did I do? Why? I hate myself for getting angry at her. I hate myself for hitting her. I hate myself for calling her all those names. I need to go apologize. I quickly exited the house and walked across the street. I rang the doorbell. "Hi." Alex greeted.
"Hi. Um, can I talk to Christina." I replied.
"I thought she was with you." He replied.
"She was but she left." I replied.
"Oh. Um, come in." He replied. "Christina!" He yelled. She didn't reply. He called her again. Still no reply. "Let's go to her room." He said. I nodded my head and followed him upstairs. We entered her room. She wasn't there. I noticed her bathroom door slightly open and water, on the floor. I ran to the bathroom, and saw her lifeless body there in the tub.
Author's Note
(Pretending like I'm not crying and my tears aren't burning my eyes.) Thanks everyone for reading! I love you all. Sorry, if you shipped Austina, or Chrislex and were expecting a happy ending. OR WAS THIS REALLY THE END? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM........
Go read some of my other stories. Like, my latest book, Stolen, (it's a Luke Hemmings fan fic.)
I love all my Skittles. And again thanks for reading.
Follow me here, twitter (@BullyCampaign29  or  @_Christina_29), Instagram (@christinas_story_campaign.)
If you need someone to talk to my Kik is @Chrissy_Biebz

Dr. Mahone (#Wattys2015)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz