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Dear No One,

Today, I made a friend. (Please ignore the fact that I sound like a six year old telling his parents about his first day at school). I thought it was gonna be awkward meeting her, but it really wasn't. She seems like a great person. I'd love to introduce her to you once I find you. But then again. Who knows... Maybe she is you. Hahaha don't mind me, love. I'm a little crazy. But I bet you already knew that. After all, I'm writing letters to you before even knowing who you are.

Well, I hope you're doing fine. How're things? I just wish you could reply me somehow. Well, till next time, babe.



Number three, circle, and into the box.

~*~ -

People say that love at first sight exists. Choi Byeolbit has never believed in that. No matter what anyone says to convince her, she's dead set that it has been, and always will be, attraction at first sight. Something like "oh my God, s/he's cute," at first sight.

Which is why when Ahra - her coworker and fellow trainee - tells her that she's fallen in love with the new patient's older brother, Byeolbit pushes the starry-eyed woman out of her way and sorts out some medical reports.

"Seriously, you'd agree if you looked at him," Ahra insists. Star just rolls her eyes at that sentence. Typical. This is probably the twentieth time that Ahra has 'fallen in love' with another good-looking guy that walked into the hospital.

"I'm not kidding! Trust me, this one's different. He's so adorable but he has this air of importance around him and-" Ahra stops short with a gasp. Byeolbit looks up to see what happened, forgeting about the file in front of her and she snaps the rings in the ring file close, accidentally clamping her little finger in the process.

She bites back a curse and winces at the pain before a pair of hands hurriedly unclamps her finger from the rings. "Are you okay?" says a masculine voice and Star looks up to see the reason for Ahra's gasp earlier.

"YOU?" Star says, temporarily forgetting about the throbbing pain in her little finger. Ahra's gaze ricochets between the two. "You... You know each other?" She points at them, clearly confused.

The pair glances at Ahra before returning their attention to each other. "What are you doing here?" Byeolbit says at the same time that Suga gently takes her hand and asks, "Is your finger alright?"

Star looks down to see that her finger is slightly red and realizes that it's throbbing a little. She pulls her hand away and shrugs it off while mumbling that she is fine. "Are you sure?" Suga looks at her finger, concerned.

"Sheesh! I'm fine, I'm fine," she instinctively pops her finger into her mouth, even though she knows that that won't help with the pain in any way. She pulls her finger out and fans it, letting the wet and cool sensation numb the pain a little.

She walks out of the reception counter and bows at Yoongi in greeting. He bows back out of courtesy. Ahra just stares at the exchange. "What brings you here?" Byeolbit asks as she puts her hand down, the throbbing slowly fading away. Suga points at a patient at explains that his niece just got admitted for a mild case of chicken pox.

Star glances towards the child in mention and realization dawns on her. She sends a look to Ahra who is still gaping at the both of them. Star raises an eyebrow as if to say, 'I thought you said it was her brother, not her uncle.'

Star motions to Ahra and does the introductions.

"Ahra, this is Yoongi, Yoongi, this is Ahra."

They bow at each other, an air of awkwardness surrounding them. Byeolbit clamps her lips together to hold back a snort. "Anyway, I was wondering where I could get a drink? That kid wants some hot cocoa," Suga says.

Dear No OneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon