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Dear Byeol,

It's 3 a.m., and I can't sleep. I'm pretty sure you're lying awake in your bed too, right now. I'm sorry today turned out so badly when it was supposed to be your last day off. And I'm sorry there was nothing I could do about it. At times like these I feel so helpless. I wish I could take all the pain away for you. But the best I can do for you now is to just be by your side.

You're strong, Byeol. Stronger than you know. Even stronger than me. I wanted to punch that bastard when I saw him and I really might have if you weren't there with me. Do you see how strong you are? To be able to face all of this with such composure even though I know you're tearing apart inside?

I love you, Choi Byeolbit. You're the strongest woman I know. (2nd to none but my mom, that is-). And I'll be your shoulder to cry on, your punching bag, your everything. I promise to be by your side. Always.


Min Yoongi.


In life, we often make promises we can't keep. Say things that once said, can't be taken back. In life, we love. And in love, we are blind. Blinded by hope that things could be perfect. Blinded by the illusion that love transcends all. In life, we trust. In trust, we reveal our scars. And in our scars, lie our stories that we tell only but few.

Choi Hahi was one of those few for Byeolbit. When they were younger, they were as thick and thieves. Nothing could separate the two. They did everything together, as though joint to one another by an invisible limb. They grew up as one, and wrote their stories together. Their scars - up till their early adolescence - were shared.

But as we grow, we change. We meet new people, we start having different ideas. We begin to find our old lives boring. We discard our pasts, "out with the old and in with the new", as they say. We throw away what was once like a vital limb to us. Amputated. Cut off. Cast aside.

Byeol was confused when Hahi, upon entering highschool and becoming one of the "popular kids", began to shut her out. She didn't understand why she was no longer allowed to tag along when Hahi went out with her friends. She couldn't compute why this new group of friends hated her and mocked her for being 'uncool' and a 'whiny baby with a sister-complex' when her sister's previous group of friends in middle school had always loved and admired her as "Hahi's cute little sister".

After her older sister graduated from highschool, she decided to pursue her further education in Japan. Despite her mother crying for days and pleading for her to at least stay somewhere in Korea, Hahi packed up and left. Mrs. Choi was distraught. She barely had time to prepare herself for her oldest daughter's departure. But one week after announcing that she had been accepted to Kyoto University, Hahi took a cab to the aiport and left. She didn't call or text until she had settled into her new apartment.

Mrs. Choi didn't even want to speak to her the first few times she called. Byeolbit answered the calls, only mumbling the shortest of replies to her sister's queries. She, too, was angry and upset. Angry at her sister for leaving without even negotiating with her parents first. And upset that her sister was so selfishly thinking for herself without even sparing her family members' feelings a second thought. And most of all she was mad; mad at her sister for causing all the wreckage and leaving her to pick up all the pieces.

But everything changed when her sister met Sho. The japanese singer was in Hawaii with his groupmates from Arashi to commemorate their 15th Anniversary when they met. Meanwhile, Hahi was on a graduation trip with a group of friends from her university. That's the funny thing about fate; they were both living in Japan at the time, but they ended up crossing paths in Hawaii, of all places.

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