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"Dear No One," he begins writing. Then he tears the paper to pieces and crumples it up. He shoots a perfect aim into the paper waste bin in the corner of the room.
He slumps in his chair. Why am i even thinking so hard about this? He picks up the pen again. He rolls his eyes at how cheesy he's going to sound but continues anyway.

"Dear No One,

How have you been? I hope you've been eating well.. okay, I'm kinda new to this so please don't laugh when you read this.. well, if you ever do, that is. You know, I've been thinking about you lately. Where you are, what you're doing. Sometimes I wonder if you're thinking about me too. But that's hardly possible. I'm the only one that could possibly be thinking about someone I haven't even met. Aish, forget it. This just keeps getting lamer. I'll stop.

Bye. Hope to meet you soon.
Your Suga."

He folds the piece of paper and writes a big number "1" on it. he circles the number then pulls out a rectangular box from the drawer. He neatly places the letter in the box and returns the black cardboard box to it's place.
He laughs. Min Yoongi, you are the first man to be lovesick without even having a lover.

This story contains some explicit language.

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